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The History of Trench Wars/About the Author

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About Epinephrine

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I, Epinephrine have been a player of Subspace since February 1997. I’ve been a long-time participant in Pro League among other SVS zones, and as such I believe I have a unique perspective of Trench Wars as a veteran of the game, never seeing it from the perspective of a clueless new player but actually witnessing the evolution of the zone from its humble beginnings to its current glory.

As a player in Trench Wars since August 1999, I was captain of the squad Elusive, and was a Trench Wars Moderator from November 1999 until February 2001. After the dissolution of Elusive I quit the zone for a long time but was later convinced to return and join the squad Vulch after a real life meeting with Crown of Thorns and friends.

From my history in Trench Wars, I believe I possess a unique inside knowledge of the game, and so drawing information from my many friends and acquaintances in the most influential positions of the zone including Crome, Crown of Thorns, and DoCk>, and also possessing a love of writing and history, I decided to write this all out.

It’s been a long time project of mine, and I hope that I’ve been able to teach you something about the zone, and if I didn’t at least entertain you.

Thank you,


The Future · Special Thanks