25% developed

Radium Core

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Radium Core

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Official website : https://radiumcore.org (censorship free)

Radium is a decentralized blockchain service provider utilizing a modified Proof-Of-Stake utility token to deliver services that enhance security, productivity, and organizational transparency.  We are building a suite of decentralized services to assist in fostering the trust and security that the Internet lacks in order to allow innovation to flourish in today’s complex environment. In our modern environment, it can be difficult to  differentiate fake content, spam, and bots from real people.  Radium provides a platform where users can use cryptographic proofs to positively identify themselves while interacting online. The growing list of blockchain secured functions available to Radium users include cryptographically managed Identities, public voting, file signatures and proof-of-ownership, and immutable text notes.

Identity Management

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Today’s online ecosystem is full of imposters, scammers, and hackers using fake websites, profiles, and identities for various nefarious purposes. Not only does this make it hard to avoid these malicious actors, it becomes challenging to locate authentic websites, retailers, and other online entities with whom a person would want to interact.

Radium Identities allow users to manage their own online presence in a way that creates a historical record of their activities secured in the blockchain in order to establish a pattern of trusted behavior. After creating an identity, a user can use that identity with all other Radium functions, including file signing and voting.

File Signing

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Today’s cyber-threat landscape poses a difficult problem for all organizations that need to safely and efficiently distribute digital files such as software and media. Security compromises resulting in unintentional distribution of malicious files can seriously damage an organization’s reputation, and can result in a lack of trust and loss of users.

Traditional methods of validating a file download are cumbersome and require that the user generate a checksum and manually compare the result with a checksum provided by the publisher. Using a combination of traditional file validation and blockchain signatures, Radium enables users to mark particular files as official or valid by signing them with a known Radium identity. Download providers, such as developers and digital media distributors can sign their offerings, allowing customers to prove that the files, programs, or media delivered are genuine and have not been altered by malicious actors in the delivery process. Consumers can then REV 12072018 quickly validate files and receive an immutable, blockchain secured record about the origin of a file, who produced it, and at what time.


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From the time voting was first introduced in Greece by Cleisthenes in 508 BC, voting has served as the cornerstone of the democratic decision making process. Unfortunately, many voting systems have been difficult to secure and scale, leading to recounts, contested results, and accusations of fraud. Radium Elections is a blockchain-based voting platform designed to restore confidence, transparency, and integrity to the voting process. All election data and votes are recorded on-chain, allowing for near-time observation, counting, and verification by any third party running the SmartChain application. Radium Elections are designed for applications ranging from project management and club votes, to political elections and shareholder voting. Simple, reliable and secure voting systems are a cornerstone of free governance, and the Radium Elections platform is available to anyone with a Radium Identity.

Real time voting results can be viewed while voting is in progress and final results are available immediately after the election closes. The election results, including individual votes, will remain secured in the Radium Blockchain and visible indefinitely.

Text Notes

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Placing text into a blockchain is not a new idea. Having a platform that makes it simple and easy is. Radium Notes users can insert small text notes directly into the Radium blockchain. Notes can be used to make predictions, endearments, or any other type of public statement that needs both security and immutability.

Custom Assets

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Custom Radium assets/tokens can be used for a wide range of purposes and act as their own cryptocurrency, while still running on the Radium blockchain. Unlike ordinary Radium (RADS), custom assets/tokens can be used to represent any kind of value.


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From its beginning, the Radium Project has been funded solely by the developers and through donations of generous community members. The blockchain was launched with a fair Proof-Of-Work distribution phase before transitioning to Proof-Of-Stake. There was no premine, and no funds set aside for development. At the beginning the project was sustained by volunteer developers, as well as community members contributing to cover hosting and other infrastructure costs.

Unfortunately, this model has not proven to be sustainable, and the project found itself in need REV 12072018 of funding. The idea of a development fund, funded by a percentage of the block reward, was brought to the community and approved using the existing blockchain voting system

Development Fund

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The Radium Development fund will be a 5 of 12 multi-signature address, with keys held by the core developers as well as several long-standing community members. Approximately every 7 days, a lump sum of tokens equal to 12% of the total network generation for that period will be created and sent directly to the development fund.. The funds will be used primarily for, but not limited to hiring additional developers, legal counsel, and paying for infrastructure such as hosting and virtual servers.

All major disbursements will be put to a vote, allowing community members the opportunity to approve or disapprove the proposed use of funds. Disbursements from the fund will require five signatures from the keyholders in order for the funds to be sent from the multi-signature address.

If excessive tokens reside in the development fund, they can either be destroyed or returned to the stakers using the Spread Fee protocol. In the event the coins are to be burned, they will be sent as a null data output, rendering them unspendable. If the tokens are to be returned to the stakers, they will be spent in a series of high-fee transactions, causing the block rewards to increase for a period of 24 or more hours.

Zero Client

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The Zero Client (ZC) User Experience (UX) is designed to facilitate accessibility to the SmartChain utility using a purely web-based interface. The web interface does not require any installation, or downtime for syncing. All Radium SmartChain functionality is available for use within the ZC and eliminates the need for an end-user to acquire Radium (RADS) in order to utilize the SmartChain.

Staking is the process by which the Radium Core blockchain is secured and new coins are generated. Staking is the Proof-Of-Stake equivalent of mining, for Proof-Of-Work coins. Click the title above for more information and staking tutorials.

Want more information about block time, block rewards, and other details of the Radium Core blockchain? Click the header above!

SmartChain (incomplete)

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Use Cases

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A few real world and theoretical use cases for Radium Core

Tutorials (incomplete)

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Click the header above to learn more about the History of Radium Core.

Team Members (incomplete)

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Have some questions? Check if it has already been answered in our FAQ page.

Connect (incomplete)

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Read the Radium Core blog for the latest announcements and updates

Join Telegram to chat with the Radium Developers and other community members