Mega Man Battle Network/Navi Customizer Guide

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The Navi Customizer was introduced in Battle Network 3 as a replacement of the powerup system found in previous games. As it implies, you can customize the abilities of MegaMan, including the attack, speed, and charge time for the MegaBuster. In Battle Network 5, the Navi Customizer only works on MegaMan and not any other navi.

The Navi Customizer consists of a grid with various parts that take up some or all of the grid. The Navi Customizer begins as a four-by-four grid, but can be expanded to a four-by-five and later to five-by-five grid as a result of acquiring the two ExpansionMemories. The third row in the Navi Customizer is referred to as the command line.

Each part has a specific color, and it may be either solid or textured, referring to the presence or an absense of a cross-shaped texture on each square in the part. Solid programs must have one part on the command line for them to function, while textured programs must stay off of the line. Parts of the same color, textured or not, must remain apart from each other horizontally or vertically. In Battle Network 3, the current style of MegaMan controls the colors of parts that can be used, while Battle Network 4 and Battle Network 5 limits the number of colors that can be used to four. If a part violates these conditions, it is said to be bugged, and MegaMan may suffer from some side effects. Having said that, there may be cases where you could intentionally bug MegaMan (for example, to acquire the Bug styles in Battle Network 3).

If two solid parts with overlapping functions are in effect, the one further on the right takes precedence.

Textured programs often come with one of three colors: white, pink, and yellow, while solid parts will be available in only one color, usually other than pink, white, or yellow. The shape of a part is consistent across different colors. You are permitted to carry multiples of the same part with the same color.

Spin Parts

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Normally, parts may not be rotated to fit, but throughout the game, special key items collectively known as the spin parts may be acquired, which allow you rotate all Navi Customizer parts of the same color by pressing the L and R buttons. There is typically one spin part for each color.


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Aside from Battle Network 4, most solid parts (and in Battle Network 5, some textured parts) can be compressed to take up one less square using a compression code. In Battle Network 3, these are preformed by holding Select and pressing a combination of joystick and button presses, while in Battle Network 5 these are performed by holding the joystick to the right and pressing certain buttons. Parts can be decompressed by inputting the same code again. The compression code for each part is unique, and a compression code compresses all the colors for a particular part in the same manner.

Common Parts

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Here are a description of some of the common parts that you may find:

  • AirShoes: this allows MegaMan to walk over broken panels, similar to the effects of the AirShoes chip in Battle Network 3 or the effects of WindSoul in Battle Network 4 or GyroSoul in Battle Network 5.
  • Attack+1 - this increases MegaMan's buster attack by 1. The maximum attack level is 5 in Battle Network 3 and Battle Network 4, and 10 in Battle Network 5. It will have no effect if the attack is already at maximum level.
  • AttackMAX - this raises MegaMan's buster attack to the maximum (in Battle Network 5, this only raises the attack level to 5, not to 10). Its shape is effectively four Attack+1 parts fused together.
  • Battery - this allows you a greater chance to fight elec-based viruses.
  • Beat - in multiplayer battles, this will steal the opponent's chip (so that you can use it) the first time a Mega or Giga chip is used.
  • BodyPack - this gives MegaMan the combined effects of SuperArmor, AirShoes, FloatShoes, and UnderShirt.
  • BugStop - this prevents any kinds of bugs from violating the rules of the Navi Customizer. It cannot be bugged itself (if placed away from the command-line, you don't get the benefits, but you do not get any side effects from it, either). This means there are virtually no restrictions on how you place parts (although you will not benefit from a solid part being off of the command line, but you will not get bugs). However, negative side effects of certain parts (such as the hit point reduction of HubBatch) will not be affected.
  • BusterPack - this increases all MegaBuster stats by three levels.
  • Charge+1 - this increases MegaMan's buster charge by 1, meaning that it charges sooner. The maximum charge level is 5. It will have no effect if the charge is already at maximum level.
  • ChargeMAX - this increases MegaMan's buster charge to the maximum. Its shape is effectively four Charge+1 parts fused together.
  • Custom+1 - this increases the number of chips available to select from in the Custom screen by 1. It will have no effect if 10 chips are available in Battle Network 3 or 8 chips are available in Battle Network 4 or Battle Network 5.
  • Custom+2 - this increases the number of chips available to select from in the Custom screen by 2. It will have no effect if 10 chips are available in Battle Network 3 or 8 chips are available in Battle Network 4 or Battle Network 5.
  • FirstBarrier - this gives MegaMan a barrier at the begging of the battle, as if the Barrier chip was slotted in.
  • Fish - this allows you a greater chance to fight aqua-based viruses.
  • FloatShoes - this allows MegaMan to ignore all negative effects of panels (eg. the gradual damage from poison panels).
  • GigaFolder+1 - this allows you to put one more Giga chip in your folder. However, there will also be a side effect.
  • HubBatch - this gives MegaMan the combined effects of Shield, MegaFolder+1, SuperArmor, Custom+1, FirstBarrier, AirShoes, FloatShoes, and Undershirt, but halves MegaMan's HP in the process.
  • Humor - Pressing L while controlling Lan (while MegaMan is in his PET) will make MegaMan tell a (somewhat lame) joke. Not particularly useful, but good for a laugh.
  • HP+50 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 50 points.
  • HP+100 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 100 points.
  • HP+200 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 200 points.
  • HP+300 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 300 points.
  • HP+400 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 400 points.
  • HP+500 - this raises MegaMan's maximum HP by 500 points.
  • Jungle - this allows you a greater chance to fight wood-based viruses.
  • MegaFolder+1 - this allows you to put one more Mega chip in your folder.
  • MegaFolder+2 - this allows you to put two more Mega chips in your folder.
  • OilBody - this allows you a greater chance to fight fire-based viruses.
  • Rush - in multiplayer battles, this paralyzes the opponent when they first use an Invisible chip.
  • Shield - this allows MegaMan to raise a shield that will absorb a hit with b+B (b denotes the direction to the back of MegaMan, ie. left when MegaMan is facing right, as per fighting game notation).
  • SneakRun - this is effectively a permanent version of the SneakRun subchip, which would reduce your encounter rate with viruses (including navis that you could meet in random encounters).
  • SoulTime+1 - this increases the duration of DoubleSoul (but not Chaos Unisons) by one turn.
  • Speed+1 - this increases MegaMan's buster speed by 1. The maximum speed level is 5. It will have no effect if the attack is already at maximum level.
  • SpeedMAX - this raises MegaMan's buster speed to the maximum. Its shape is effectively four Speed+1 parts fused together.
  • SuperArmor - this allows you to not go into hitstun when attacked (so, for example, you will not lose your charge).
  • Tango - in multiplayer battles, this will act as as if a Recover300 and a Barrier100 chip were slotted in and activated the first time MegaMan's HP drops to a critical level.
  • UnderShirt - this allows MegaMan to survive one hit that may delete him by putting him at one hit point afterwards. The effect lasts as long as MegaMan's hit point is above 1.

Common Bugs

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When bugged, MegaMan will have an unusual appearance in battle (except in the English GBA versions of Battle Network 5, where it was removed for cartridge space limitations), ranging from horizontal lines on MegaMan to MegaMan being slightly deformed. In Battle Network 3, these bugs can be overridden with Extra Codes, but only one Extra Code can be entered at a time. Here are a list of common bugs:

  • Battle HP Bug - MegaMan will continually lose HP after he is first hit (although the depletion will temporarily stop in the Custom Window). The rate of this depletion depends on how many parts are producing the bug.
  • Buster Bug - the MegaBuster will fire blanks some of the time. The probability of firing a blank depends on how many parts are producing this bug.
  • Control Bug - this will make MegaMan confused in battle, or will move MegaMan constantly in one dire