25% developed


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This book is still under development. Please help us

This wikibook is about : how to make fractals (:-)) It covers only topics which are important for that (:-))

  "What I cannot create, I do not understand." Richard P. Feynman


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  1. 75% developed Introduction
  2. 25% developed Introductory Examples
  3. Mathematics for computer graphic: numbers, sequences, functions, numerical methods, fields, ...
  4. Programming computer graphic: files, plane, curves, ...
    1. plane transformations
  5. Fractal software
  6. Fractal links

Fractals made by the iterations

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  1. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01Definitions
  2. Iterations : forward and backward ( inverse ) and critical orbit
    1. Fractional iterations
  3. critical orbit
  4. Periodic points or cycle
    1. periodic points of complex quadratic map
    2. Period
  5. How to analyze map ? How to read location from the image?
  6. How to construct map with desired properities ?
  7. Algorithms ( graphical (coloring, transformations), numerical, symbolic, other)
  • (angle) doubling map
  • logistic map
  • real quadratic map
  • tent map

Iterations of complex numbers :2D

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  • complex-analytic formulas (like Mandelbrot set and Julia set)
  • non-complex-analytic formulas (like Mandelbar and Burning Ship)
  1. Analysis
  2. Herman rings
Chebyshev polynomials
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Dynamic plane: Julia and Fatou sets

  1. coloring the dynamic plane and the Julia and the Fatou sets
  2. Julia set
    1. with an non-empty interior ( connected )
      1. Hyperbolic Julia sets
        1. attracting : filled Julia set have attracting cycle ( c is inside hyperbolic component )
        2. superattracting : filled Julia set have superattracting cycle( c is in the center of hyperbolic component ). Examples : Airplane Julia set, Douady's Rabbit, Basillica.
      2. Parabolic Julia set
      3. Elliptic Julia set: Siegel disc - a linearizable irrationaly indifferent fixed point
    2. with empty interior
      1. disconnected ( c is outside of Mandelbrot set )
      2. connected ( c is inside Mandelbrot set )
        1. Cremer Julia sets -a non-linearizable irrationaly indifferent fixed point
        2. dendrits or Dendrite Julia sets ( Julia set is connected and locally connected ). Examples :
          1. Misiurewicz Julia sets (c is a Misiurewicz point )
          2. Feigenbaum Julia sets ( c is Generalized Feigenbaum point: the limit of the period-q cascade of bifurcations and landing points of parameter ray or rays with irrational angles )
          3. others which have no description
  3. Fatou set
    1. exterior of all Julia sets = basin of attraction of superattracting fixed point (infinity)
      1. Escape time
      2. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01Boettcher coordinate
      3. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01Orbit portraits and lamination of dynamical plane
      4. Dynamic external rays
    2. Interior of Julia sets:
      1. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01 Basin of attraction of superattracting periodic/fixed point - Boettchers coordinate , c is a center of period n component of Mandelbrot set
        1. Circle Julia set ( c = 0 is a center of period 1 component)
        2. Basilica Julia set ( c = -1 is a center of period 2 component)
      2. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01 Basin of attraction of attracting periodic/fixed point - Koenigs coordinate
      3. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01 Local dynamics near indifferent fixed point/cycle
        1. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01 Local dynamics near rationally indifferent fixed point/cycle ( parabolic ). Leau-Fatou flower theorem
          1. petal of the Leau-Fatou flower
          2. Repelling and attracting directions
          3. Rays landing on the parabolic fixed point
          4. parabolic checkerboard
          5. parabolic perturbation
          6. Fatou_coordinate
            1. Fatou_coordinate for f(z)=z/(1+z)
            2. Fatou_coordinate for f(z)=z+z^2
            3. Fatou_coordinate for f(z)=z^2 + c
        2. 0% developed  as of 2010.08.01 Local dynamics near irrationally indifferent fixed point/cycle ( elliptic ) - Siegel disc

Parameter plane and Mandelbrot set

  1. Topological model of Mandelbrot set : Lavaurs algorithm and lamination of parameter plane
  2. structure of Mandelbrot set and ordering of hyperbolic components
    1. family: real slice of Mandelbrot set.
      1. periodic part: period doubling cascade. Escape route 1/2
      2. the Myrberg-Feigenbaum point of family
      3. chaotic part main antenna is a shrub of family
  3. Transformations of parameter plane
  4. Sequences and orders on the parameter plane
  5. Parts of parameter plane
    1. exterior of the Mandelbrot set: escape time, Level Set Method ( LSM/M), Binary Decomposition Method (BDM/M)
      1. External (Parameter) Rays of:
        1. the wake ( root point)
        2. the principle Misiurewicz points for the wake k/r of main cardioid
        3. subwake (root points, tuning and internal address)
        4. branch tips of the shrub ( Misiurewicz points)
        5. islands ( root point, Douady tuning)
    2. Interior and the boundary : components
      1. Number of the Mandelbrot set's components
      2. Boundary of whole set and it's components
        1. parabolic points: root points and cusps
        2. unroll a closed curve and then stretch out into an infinite strip
        3. Misiurewicz points
          1. Devaney algorithm for principle Misiurewicz point
      3. interior of hyperbolic components
        1. centers of hyperbolic components = nuclesu of Mu-atoms
        2. Internal rays
      4. Islands
        1. the biggest island of the wake
        2. distortion of mini Mandelbrot sets
        3. islands ( root point, Douady tuning)
    3. Points ( parameter of the iterated function)
  6. speed improvements
  7. coloring algorithm
Wikibook Development Stages
Sparse text 0% Developing text 25% Maturing text 50% Developed text 75% Comprehensive text 100%