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EverQuest has a command structure which is similar to many Internet-based chat systems such as IRC and MUDs. This evolution from text-message communication to video-game is the backbone of EverQuest's strength: it relies on successful models that worked well for its predecessors.


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Combat commands initiate combat, select targets, etc.

/assist [target]

Simply target a player (most times your Main Assist = MA) who is engaged in combat. The /assist command will automatically target for you whoever that player is fighting at the moment. Everybody should have that hotkeyed.

/assist [on/off]

This turns off/on autoattack-on-assist. If /assist on is typed, then each time you type /assist or /assist [player], you will also begin attacking. If /assist off is typed, then each time you type /assist or /assist [player], you will not begin attacking (if you want to attack, you'll have to additionally press your auto-attack button). For raids, everyone should have their assist toggled to off.


Toggles attack mode on/off. better be careful when e.g. shopping in town.

/consider or c

Returns information about your target including how dangerous they are likely to be in combat.

concolors, where green gives no experience, and red gives most.
  • Green (far below your level)
  • Light Blue (very little experience reward)
  • Darkblue (a challenge, but reasonable reward)
  • White/Black (even challenge (your level), and high reward)
  • Yellow (one or two levels above you; excellent experience)
  • Red (more than two levels above you; almost certainly too hard, but the best experience)

Declines offer to duel.


was that a command from the original EQ (I think not)? or introduced later? if later, when?

/duel or /d

Either challenges a player or accept a challenge for a duel. Please note: you used to be able to lose exp when dueling, but this has since been changed.


Targets the character you recivied the last tell from. It has the same range limit as the /target command. If the characters isn't in range, but there is a corpse of this character near, this corpse will be targeted.

/target [name]

Targets the nearest character, mob or corpse whos name begins with the given name. This works in a limited range. Mobs whos name have spaces in it can be targeted changing spaces with underlines (Ex: "a moss snake" => a_moss_snake).


Shows you name, level, and class and guild tag for the targetted person. If the Person is "anonymous", the command will not return level, class and guild tag, but name only. A name can be provided to the command to display information of this character, but the character has to be in the same zone.


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Communication commands allow the player (either in or out of character) to communicate with other players.

/autojoin [channelname]

Automatically joins the channel at login. Patch June 29 toggled on autojoin for all players for the follwing channels. 1 - continent. 2 - class. 3 - General.

/channel [channelname]

Joins the specified channel.

/friend [name]

Adds (or removes) a character's name to a special text file on your hard drive. Use with /who friend all to see when your friends are online and what zone they are in.

/gsay or /g

groupsay. only members of your group can read it.

/ignore [name] 

Adds (or removes) a player to a special text file on the individual hard drive of the computer where the command was given, allowing a player to not see any type of communication from the character's name they typed after /ignore. Limited to 100 characters.


out of character. Zonewide message.


Players in your vicinity can hear you.


zonewide message. usually shouting is deemed to be vulgar behaviour and /ooc or /auction should be used instead. On the Firiona Vie Server /ooc does not work though, so shouting is the only way for zonewide messages.


Send a tell to the player you have targeted. Also works when targeting a player's corpse.

/yell or /y 

yell for help. also useful when trying to find friends in zones, as the game message is "xyz yells from e.g. behind and left"


shows you name, level, and class and guild tag for everyone in the zone who is not /Anonymous or /Roleplay (For characters who are in /anon mode, /who will only return their name followed by the [Anonymous] tag. For characters who are in /Roleplay mode, /who will only return their name and guild tag).

/who [all]
/who [class]

same as /who except the list will only return names that match the class you specify after the /who command

/who [class] all 

returns a list of every player currently online (all zones on your server) who matches the class you specify after the /who command. (e.g. /who all Enchanter)

/who [level range][level range] 

same as /who except the list will only return names that match the level range you specify after the /who command. (e.g. /who 1-10)

/who [guild]

returns a list of every player in the zone from a particular guild name that you specify

/who [guild] all 

same as /who [guild] except this command returns a list for every player currently online (all zones on your server) who match the guild name you specify

/who [name]

same as /who except the list will only return names that match the name you specify after the /who command

/who [name] all

same as /who [name] except the list will return the names of every player currently online (all zones on your server) who matches the naming criteria you specify)

/guildstatus [name] or /guildstatus [target]

Shows the guild name and status (member, officer, leader) of your target or a named player in the same zone. Note that this works even if your target is [Anonymous].


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These are commands related to character death, corpse dragging, etc.

/consent [name]

Allow another player to drag your corpse. Originally (I believe?) allowed them to loot your corpse.

/consent group

Allows any member of the group you are currently in to drag your corpse.

/consent raid

Allows any member of the raid you are currently in to drag your corpse.


Summons your corpse (or targeted player corpse who has given you consent) if you are within a short distance of the corpse. Very useful when your corpse is in a location where it isn't safe to loot or rez.



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Emotes are non-verbal communication cues such as dancing or smiling. Some activate a pre-defined physical gesture while others simply report the action as text to nearby characters.

/emote or /em


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Group commands allow characters to join, manage or leave groups and raids.


Removes you from your current group, or removes the targeted group member if you are the group leader.


makes you follow the person targetted (has to be a member of your "group").


Invites a fellow player to join your group. Since the patch June 29, 2005 you can even invite players which are not in your vicinity, but in different zones.


Looking for "Group" places an LFG tag behind your name using the "LFG" tool (introduced with the "Legacy of Ykesha" expansion) you/others can find other groups/players which are looking for members/groups.

/makeleader [name] 

makes the named person the leader of the group. Leaders can learn Leadership points (as long as they purchased the "Gates of Discord" expansion

/split [pp.gg.ss.cc] 

example: Split 50 will share 50 "platinum" (pp) with all your groupmembers, which are in the same zone as you are.

/taskaddplayer [name]

Invites the named player to join an instanced "expedition" in one of several expansions (GoD, OoW, DoN, DoD)



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Magic commands manipulate the magic system; casting spells, editing spell books, etc.

/book [#]

opens your spellbook at the specified page

/cast [#]

Casts the spell in the matching spellslot. Valid number range from 1 - 9 (Used to be only 1 - 8, but with the introduction of the "Omes of War" (IIRC) expansion players were able to earn a 9-th slot).

/memspellset [name] 

Memorizes a saved "spellset"

/savespellset [name]

saves the current "spellset" as [name]



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Session commands are used to log in or out.

/camp desktop - Camps and closes EQ
/camp server - Camps and brings you back to serverselect screen
/quit  - also /q - forces you to go linkdead


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Status commands query or set the status of your character and certain default actions (such as auto-inventory).

/afk [message] or /afk

"away from keyboard"–Sets a pre-defined response to any "tells" and places an "AFK" marker next to the character's name. If used with a message, players who send you a "tell" receive your message in addition to the standard "I am AFK" message.

/anonymous - /anon

doing a /who will not list you. when doing a /whotarget, it will only show your name, but not class/race.


puts the item into the first available free slot. Stackable items will be stacked.


tells you where you are "bound"


Sets the Message of the Day for your guild (Guild officers only)

/toggleinspect [on-off]

with right clicking a player character you can inspect him/her. with toggleinsopect off you will not be able to right click inspect players.


introduced a few months after the "Luclin" expansion. enables you to sell items, while you are away from EQ - albeit your character ("Tradermule") has to be logged in.


UI commands affect the user interface, or bring up special-purpose UI elements (i.e. windows).


introduced with the "Dragons of Norrath" expansion.


Introduced with "Dragons of Norrath" expansion. Enables you to search for items which other players (Buyers) want to buy.

/bazaar - /Baz

introduced a few months after the "Luclin" expansion. enables you to search for items, which other players (Traders) have set up for sale.


Introduced with "Dragons of Norrath" expansion. Enables you to list certain items that you want to buy, and the price you will pay for them. (does it allow trades as well?)

/chatfontsize [1-5]

Use with a number 1-5 to set the font size for the currently active chat window.


lets you play a tetris like game. this was used a lot, when transportation was all about boats and walking, means prior to PoP and Luclin. many people were playing this when waiting for a bat (waiting time was up to 30 mins afair).

/showgrass [on-off]

helps saving some processing power - CPU speed wise. only takes effect after zoning.


Controls how much information is displayed over the heads of other players.

0 Hides all names
1 Shows first names only - useful when there are many characters on your screen
2 Shows first and last names
3 Shows first, last, and guild names ? (iirc)
4 Shows titles, first, last, and guild names ?

lets you pick a surname for your character, which will be added to your name tag. there is a hostbased check, if the surname violates "naming rules".



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/invite playername - invites a player (since summer 2005 even across zones)

opens the loot window for a targetted corpse. Corpse does not have to be visible to loot it.


request your character to be moved to a different server. certain restrictions may apply (e.g. serverchoice wise). Patch 29, 2005 - SOE added a discard function. Greatly used, when SOE merged servers (March 2005 through May 2005), as the population began to dwindle.

/raidinvite name - invite player to a raid. with patch Oct 27, 2005 invites can even be done across zones. 

GM's/Guides only, I guess. If you try to execute it, you get a message like "your starting city has been set already"

/system - launches an application. went live with Patch on Oct 27, 2005.
/url launches a web browser from the chat window. Same as /www - went live with Patch on Oct 27, 2005.

introduced May 13, 2005. you are able to execute the command for as many characters as you are a customer in years. e.g. 3 years, 3 characters. In order to get more customer onto yearly priceplans, SOE had a limited offer, where you got to the next higher grade when you purchased a (99 USD) yearly plan (valid until early June 2005 only). when this special offer expired, they actually announced the increase of the monthyl fee from 12,99 to 14,99. the rewards range from:

1 year: Lesson of the Devoted: The player is surrounded by a beautiful blue/white glow as they gain double experience for half an hour every 24 hours.
2 years: Infusion of the Faithful: Usable once every 24 hours, the player enjoys maximum resistances and statistics and a faster run speed for 15 minutes while he glows brightly with power.
3 years: Chaotic Jester: Summons a Bristlebane puppet that persists for 15 minutes. Usable once every 24 hours, Bristlebane will randomly cast various spells that provide benefits or minor penalties.
4 years: Expedient Recovery: Usable once per week, all the player’s corpses are summoned to their feet and given 100% experience resurrection.
5 years: Steadfast Servant: Summons a creature that casts healing spells upon the player and others nearby. Lasts for half an hour and is usable once every 24 hours.
6 years: Staunch Recovery: Usable once every 3 days, the player is fully healed with health, mana, and endurance fully restored.
7 years: Intensity of the Resolute: Increases the power of the player’s abilities and heals substantially for 5 minutes once every 24 hours while the player is surrounded by a glow of energy.
/www launches a web browser from the chat window. Same as /url - went live with Patch on Oct 27, 2005.