Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 5: The Grand Turnabout/End

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The group of investigators rush to the Berry Big Circus' storage tent, where Simon and Regina are preparing for the day's circus performance. Simon says he's happy that Edgeworth came to watch the show, and hopes he'll be impressed by it... but Edgeworth has had enough of Simon's façade. He goes straight on the attack, asking Regina who is in charge of the circus' hot-air balloon. Regina says that Simon is in charge of it. Simon says he took the balloon out two nights ago for practice, despite not being "much of a pilot". Edgeworth challenges this, and claims that Simon used the balloon to carry Kay to the roof of the Grand Tower, and frame her for Jill Crane's murder. He also accuses Simon of John's kidnapping.

Simon tries to play the sympathy card, begging Edgeworth and Kay to believe him, like they did when he was accused of killing Knightley. Kay is almost convinced, but Edgeworth sees right through it, and indicts Simon. Simon finally drops the act, revealing his true self. He isn't owning up to anything just yet, though - he's just "a little upset".

Simon's Testimony: Balloon Practice / 草太の証言 ~バルーンの練習~

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Simon's Testimony
- Balloon Practice -

  1. It's true. I practiced with the balloon two nights ago.
  2. That photo must have been taken when the balloon and I passed near the building.
  3. I often fly around that area for advertising purposes.
  4. There's nothing unusual about that, right?

  1. たしかに一昨日の夜にバルーンの練習をしましたよ。
  2. ビルの近くを通ったときに写真を撮られたんでしょうね。
  3. あのへんは、宣伝のためによく飛んでるんです。
  4. 何もめずらしいことじゃないですよ。

Rebuttal: Balloon Practice / 追求 ~バルーンの練習~

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Press on the first statement. Simon says he launches the balloon from the park by the Sunshine Coliseum. He carries it there in a truck, which he last used two days ago. He adds another statement to his testimony:

  • The last time I took the truck and the balloon out was two days ago.
  • バルーンとカゴを積んだトラックを出したのも一昨日が最後でしたよ。

On this statement, present the Blue Truck (青いトラック). You saw a truck outside the tower earlier today, so if that is Simon's truck, his testimony is a lie.

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File:GK2 5-5 Fingerprint.png

Lang arrives at this point, accompanied by Ema Skye. Lang has found what Edgeworth was looking for: the Lion Balloon (ライオンのバルーン raion no barūn), which was contained in a blue truck in a nearby parking area. Is there anything you can use to prove that this is the truck you saw? Edgeworth remembers touching the truck, so you could try dusting for fingerprints (指紋検出 Shimon kenshutsu). When asked whose fingerprints you're looking for, choose Miles' fingerprints (御剣 怜侍 Mitsurugi Reiji). Ema decides to let you do the dusting yourself. First, spread some aluminium powder on the given area with the Stylus, then blow into the microphone to blow away the excess. Cover as much of the screen as possible before blowing the powder away, and you should uncover a clear fingerprint. Ema runs a test on it - it's a perfect match with Edgeworth's prints. This means that Simon's truck was seen at the scene of two separate kidnappings - but Simon claims this is just a coincidence. You, however, have evidence that proves that both kidnappings were carried out by the same person. Present the Sleeping Drugs (睡眠薬). However, that merely proves that the same sleeping drugs were used on Kay and John. It isn't enough to connect Simon to both crimes.

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Ray and Kay interrupt to buy you some time to think. You need to find evidence, not necessarily connected to the kidnappings, that can connect Simon to the "acolyte" Dogen was searching for. Present the Correspondence Chess Memo (通信チェスの紙). Knightley's chess partner was Dogen, but there was someone else in the middle, translating their letters between text and braille - Simon, working to make it look like Knightley had some connection to Dogen, so that Roland would kill Knightley. Without any letters from either Knightley or Dogen, though, you can't prove that Simon was the middleman... until Regina pipes up, with a letter to Simon, from Knightley. It's a correspondence chess letter, dated the day before Knightley's murder, and it proves that Simon was the middleman between Knightley and Dogen.

Kay wonders why Simon would set up his friend like that, but Simon says he hasn't considered Knightley a friend since 18 years ago - the day of the IS-7 incident. Knightley's father forced him to tie up Simon, so that Simon would be unable to attend the final of the dessert contest and help his father. But then, Simon claims, Knightley's father murdered his father. Simon believes his father was Isaac Dover... but was that really the case? Present Knightley's Mementos (内藤の遺品). The ring was made from the seal of Pierre Hoquet, also known as Isaac Dover - Horace Knightley's father. Simon is stunned, and wonders if all his scheming, and following Dogen, was for nothing.

Simon finally admits it - he's the mastermind behind the case. He witnessed the assassination of the real President Huang, but as a result, was interrogated endlessly by Roland over what he knew. Eventually, he ran away from the orphanage. While he was on the run, he was tracked by Blaise's henchmen. He felt that he had no allies in the world, save for Dogen. As for the police, they would have just thrown away any evidence that might incriminate Blaise or Roland - like what happened in Roland's trial today. To prevent Roland from being found innocent, Simon kidnapped John, in order to force a guilty verdict even if the evidence had disappeared. His motive for all of this was to exact revenge on the people he blamed most for what his life had become - but without actually killing any of them himself. All he did was drop a few hints here and there - such as telling Jill Crane about the black market auctions, so she could confront Blaise Debeste... and Edgeworth was his final pawn. He just needed to draw Edgeworth into each case, so that Edgeworth would find the truth, and bring Roland and Blaise's crimes to light.

Simon's Testimony: Instigating Murder? / 草太の証言 ~殺人を教唆(きょうさ)したか~

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Simon's Testimony
- Instigating Murder? -

  1. Think about it. Can any one of my actions really be considered a crime?
  2. I instigated murder? There's not a single word about that in the letter, is there?
  3. If I had said the word "kill" even once, I guess it could be considered instigation.
  4. Well, maybe I did say it. But there's no way for you to prove it.

  1. でもさ。結局、オレがしたのって何の罪になるのかな?
  2. 殺人教唆(きょうさ)?そんあの手紙には一文字も書いてないよ?
  3. オレがひとことでも「殺せ」って言ってれば教唆にできたのにね。
  4. まあ。言ってたかもしれないけど。証明する方法ないもんなあ。

Simon's starting to get bored with your questioning, so he decides to liven things up with a little extra punishment for presenting incorrect evidence - you'll now lose 30% of your health meter.

Rebuttal: Instigating Murder? / 追求 ~殺人を教唆(きょうさ)したか~

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On the fourth statement, present Nicole's Tape Recorder (速水の録音テープ). Nicole had tapped the wireless signal from the bug that was planted in the Yatagarasu's Badge, and recorded the conversation you had with the mastermind earlier, in which he clearly said, "I was the one who ordered Blaise Debeste to kill Jill Crane"... but unfortunately, the recording cuts off just before the critical part of the conversation. Simon switched off the bug when he made the phone call, so Nicole's recording didn't pick up anything significant. He figured out about the wiretapping when he discovered that Nicole knew about the kidnapping. Is that as far as it goes?

File:GK2 5-5 Examine balloon basket bullet.png

Ray and Franziska ask if Kay has any ideas, since she was the only person to come into contact with Simon. This gives Edgeworth another idea. He asks Nicole how long she has been recording from the bug. She says she started about two nights ago. In that case, when could a conversation with Simon have been recorded? Choose Two nights ago (一昨日の夜 Ototoi no yoru). Nicole plays the recording from then... "..... *BANG*... *CLANG*" Was that a gunshot? When asked to present evidence that shows the relevance of the gunshot, present the Crime Scene Notes (王 帝君の解剖記録). Gunpowder residue was found on "Huang"'s hand, indicating that he fired a gun. When Kay was being carried to the roof of the tower, there were two people already there - Courtney and the body double. The double asked Courtney to leave before him, after which he fired a gunshot. Lang points out that the shot is followed by a *CLANG* sound - the bullet must have hit something. When asked what, present the Lion Balloon (ライオンのバルーン). The bullet probably hit the balloon's basket. You examine the basket. Rotate around to the underside of the basket, and examine the bullet hole. Simon finally agrees to testify about the events of two nights ago.

Simon's Testimony: Two Nights Ago / 草太の証言 ~一昨日の夜、屋上にて~

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Simon's Testimony
- Two Nights Ago -

  1. It happened when I was riding the balloon to the rooftop.
  2. I saw the body double and you, Ms. Courtney, on the roof. Talk about a surprise.
  3. Only the double noticed me. He told Ms. Courtney to leave ahead of him.
  4. He then pointed a gun at me and fired.

  1. オレが、バルーンにのって屋上についたとき。
  2. 屋上には、大統領とミカガミさんアンタがいた。おどろいたよ。
  3. オレに気づいたのは大統領だけだ。アイツは、ミカガミさんを帰らせて。
  4. オレに銃口を向けて、撃ってきたんだ。

Rebuttal: Two Nights Ago / 追求 ~一昨日の夜、屋上にて~

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Press on the fourth statement. Simon says he tried to escape when the body double shot at him. When asked, choose There is a problem (モンダイがある Mondai ga aru). He had to have set Kay down before leaving, so he couldn't have fled straight away. Simon says the body double escaped into the 51st floor hatch after firing a single shot, and adds another statement to his testimony:

  • After the double fired one shot, he entered the hatch to the 51st floor.
  • 大統領は、1発撃ったあと、51階に通じるハッチに入ったよ。

On this statement, present Lotta's Testimony (ナツミの証言書). Lotta was staking out the 51st floor two nights ago, but she never saw the body double entering the storeroom. If he didn't use either the elevator or the 51st floor, there is only one other way the body double could have left the tower. Present the Lion Balloon (ライオンのバルーン). Simon objects, pointing out that there was a short span of time during which Lotta was unconscious. He suggests that the body double simply hid until Lotta fainted, and then entered the storeroom. He then tries to pin the body double's murder on John, saying that John knew the truth about his real father's identity all along - because Simon told him about it - and he killed the body double as revenge. Simon argues this point further. Let the final showdown begin...

Simon's Testimony: The Murder of the Double / 草太の証言 ~大統領殺害犯について~

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Simon's Testimony
- The Murder of the Double -

  1. Manipulating humans into fighting with each other. Sounds just like me, right?
  2. I did the same thing to Knightley and Blaise.
  3. At any rate, there's no way the body double could've gone for a ride in my balloon.
  4. The double was crushed by the monster's head, right?
  5. And who was it that caused the monster's head to fall?

  1. 人間と人間を、あやつって争わせる。オレらしいやり方でしょ?
  2. ナイトウのときやバンサイのときと同じさ。
  3. だいたい、影武者がバルーンに乗ってくれるわけがないよ。
  4. 大統領は、怪獣のアタマの下敷きになったんだろ?
  5. 怪獣のアタマを落としたのはダレだったかな?

Since it's the final testimony, Simon decides to add extra spice to your punishment for incorrect evidence - this time, you'll lose a whole 50% of your health meter if you get it wrong. Think through each and every statement and piece of evidence carefully before moving. Ray advises Edgeworth to remember his father's words - "remain calm in a pinch, and smile in the face of danger"... He suggests turning your logic around - think not of whether or not the body double used the balloon, but rather, consider that if he did, what circumstances would have enabled him to?

Rebuttal: The Murder of the Double / 追求 ~大統領殺害犯について~

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On the fourth statement, present the Lion Balloon (ライオンのバルーン). The body double was killed by a monster... not Moozilla, but another monster, one under Simon's control - the hot-air balloon. He was crushed by the balloon while he was on the roof of the tower, and Simon carried the body down in his balloon after the fact. However, if the double was killed two nights ago, that would contradict the autopsy report, which states that the time of death was late last night. Did Simon do something to throw off the time of death? Simon "thanks" you for bringing down Dane Gustavia, the culprit of the IS-7 incident... and from this, Edgeworth has an idea. Gustavia killed Dover, and hid the body in a block of ice to throw off the time of death... Has his son used the same trick? When asked where Simon hid the body, present the Sunshine Warehouse (ひのまる倉庫). John was held in a refrigerated warehouse - the same place where Simon froze and hid the body. No matter how much Simon tries to deny the similarities to his father, they keep coming up...

With that, Simon Keyes' crimes have been brought to light... or not, as there's no decisive evidence. All seems lost, and Simon prepares to leave... until someone objects at the last second - it's Detective Gumshoe! Gumshoe investigated the warehouse in question, and found out that it's currently being rented by the Berry Big Circus. Regina says that the warehouse is meant to be used to store the animals' food, but Simon is the main person in charge of it. If the body had been found there, he would have been suspected straight away, so he moved the body to the film lot. Simon hasn't given up yet, as he wants decisive evidence that the hot-air balloon was the murder weapon. Present the Lion Balloon (ライオンのバルーン). If the body double was crushed by the balloon, there should be traces of another piece of evidence left on it. Present the Bouquet (花束). When the body double was crushed, the bouquet of flowers he was holding was squashed flat, pressing the pollen onto the front of his suit... and most probably into the underside of the balloon's basket as well. Ema tests the basket for pollen, and gets a reaction - there are traces of pollen from a yellow flower on the bottom of the basket.

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Finally, the game is declared to be over... by the arrival of Shelly de Killer. De Killer explains that Simon was the one who hired him to assassinate "President Huang". Simon knew that "Huang" was actually the body double - according to de Killer, this means he was provided with a false target, which constitutes a breach of contract. And de Killer's punishment for such a transgression... is death. De Killer prepares to serve Simon his retribution, but is stopped by the ringing of a bell, and the arrival of Sirhan Dogen. Dogen asks de Killer to spare Simon's life, the life of the only person Sirhan Dogen saved from death. After a tense standoff, de Killer agrees, and disappears once more. Dogen prepares to return to his cell, but is confronted by John Marsh - the son of the man he killed 12 years ago. Dogen offers John his chance at revenge... but John refuses, and says it's not his place to punish Dogen for his crimes. And so, the final case comes to a close.

What really happened / 何が本当に起こった

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18 years ago, the pastry chef Dane Gustavia and the sculptor Isaac Dover, better known by his professional name Pierre Hoquet, entered a dessert contest together. The two were acquainted through their sons, who were best friends at their elementary school. Gustavia and Dover agreed to work together to win the dessert contest, and split the prize, the Angel's Recipe, between themselves. However, on the day before the final, Dover stabbed Gustavia in the back, and broke off their partnership. He refused to help Gustavia design his dessert, and ordered his son to prevent Gustavia's son from attending the final. Gustavia, having lost his chance at winning the contest, tried to obtain the contents of the Angel's Recipe through other means, but was confronted by Dover. Dover tried to blackmail Gustavia about his taste disorder, and Gustavia murdered Dover in response. This incident became known as the IS-7 Incident, and the resulting court case ruined the lives of two men - the accused, Jeffrey Master, who was wrongfully imprisoned for 17 years, and his attorney Gregory Edgeworth, who was murdered in an elevator after the final day of the trial.

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The two boys spent the final day of the contest trapped in Dover's car. At his father's demand, Dover's son had tied up Gustavia's son, and held him in the car, to prevent Gustavia's son from helping his father in the dessert contest. However, the harsh winter weather caused the car's door to freeze shut, trapping the two boys within. The two boys had almost frozen to death, when the assassin Sirhan Dogen happened across the car. The assassin decided to save the two boys, freeing them from the car. The two boys had lost much of their memories as a result of their experience, so Dogen brought them to a nearby orphanage.

File:GK2 5-4 Houinbou and Ou.png

Seven years later, Dogen returned to the same orphanage. He had been hired by Blaise Debeste, Patricia Roland, and a body double of President Huang of Zheng Fa, to assassinate the real President Huang, which would enable his body double to take his place. Huang had visited the orphanage at the request of his former lover, Amy Marsh, to meet his son, John Marsh. Instead of meeting his son, however, Huang was greeted by the blind assassin's bells, tolling for his death. Huang pleaded with Dogen to spare him for a short while longer, to allow him to meet his son. Dogen refused, however, and struck at Huang. Huang blocked the first blow with his Moozilla doll, which dislodged one of its horns. The second blow from Dogen, however, struck true, and ended Huang's life. The incident was witnessed by an unfortunate photographer, Jack Cameron, who was investigating Chief Prosecutor Debeste. Cameron called his girlfriend, Jill Crane, and described what he believed to be a kidnapping incident, but was murdered by Huang's body double with a brick. All of this was recorded on Crane's answering machine, and not even Debeste's authority could erase the recording, so, in order to cover their tracks, the three co-conspirators staged a fake kidnapping, and demanded a large ransom from the government of Zheng Fa. After the ransom was paid, the body double assumed the identity of President Huang, and returned to Zheng Fa.

The three conspirators then planned to dispose of Dogen, to prevent him from ever revealing the truth of Huang's death. However, this plan was discovered by one of the two boys Dogen had rescued seven years earlier, by now known as Simon Keyes. Simon decided to repay Dogen for saving his life, by setting off a fire outside the orphanage to distract the would-be killers. Dogen used this time to make his escape. Simon, meanwhile, collected the horn that was cut off Huang's Moozilla doll.

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Some time after the "kidnapping" incident, Dai-Long Lang, of the police force of Zheng Fa, came to investigate the incident. He interviewed several children in the orphanage, but only one gave him any leads - Simon Keyes, who had drawn a picture of what he had witnessed. Lang almost certainly realised from the child's drawing that his president and close friend was dead, but chose to take the secret to his grave for the benefit of Zheng Fa, whose people respected and admired Huang greatly. In the end, Lang indicted Patricia Roland, the matron of the orphanage, for the murder of Jack Cameron. Owing to the scheming and cover-ups of Blaise Debeste, however, Roland received a not guilty verdict, and the case files on Huang's "kidnapping" - the SS-5 Incident - were placed under restriction for the next 12 years.

After the court case, Roland began harshly interrogating Simon, in an effort to discern exactly what the boy knew about Huang's death. Simon struggled with the constant interrogations, and would cry out at night for his father to come and save him - but the man never came, having abandoned his son years earlier in his pursuit of the title of world's greatest pastry chef. Eventually, Simon ran away from the orphanage, leaving behind the horn of the Moozilla doll. Unable to turn to the police, who would have simply disposed of any evidence under orders from Blaise Debeste, and being followed constantly by Blaise’s henchmen, Simon came to lose trust completely in other people, and decided instead to take the issue into his own hands.

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At some point over the following 12 years, Simon regained some of his memories. He did not recollect all of the details, however, and ended up confusing certain critical elements - most significantly, the identity of his father. Simon believed that his father was the murdered sculptor, Isaac Dover, and that the father of his close friend, Horace Knightley, was Dane Gustavia - Dover's murderer. Due to this mixed-up memory, Simon developed an urge to avenge his "father", by killing who he believed to be the son of his father's murderer. Simon also kept in contact with his saviour, Sirhan Dogen, through the medium of correspondence chess. He would receive the letters written by Dogen in braille, and type them out in a word processor, before passing the messages on to Knightley. Knightley would then make his move, and pass the message on to Simon, who converted it to braille before returning it to Dogen. Both Dogen and Knightley believed they were actually playing Simon, but this was in actuality part of Simon's plan to get revenge on Roland and avenge his "father", by creating a connection between Knightley and Dogen. Simon knew that, if Roland was examining the letters Dogen received, she would eventually be led to Knightley, and would kill him under the belief that he was one of Dogen's henchmen.

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Simon suggested to Knightley the fake assassination attempt at Gourd Lake. He did not expect Knightley killing Ethan Rooke, but this event played directly into Simon's hands nonetheless. Knightley was arrested and charged for Rooke's murder and attempting to assassinate the president for real, thanks to Blaise Debeste, and sent to the local detention center - the warden of which was none other than Patricia Roland. Roland had connected Knightley to Dogen, as planned, and murdered Knightley during an interrogation session. Blaise Debeste again tried to interfere, by removing the highly competent prosecutor Miles Edgeworth from the case, and instead placing his less talented son, Sebastian, in charge. Sebastian arrested Simon for Knightley's murder, but Edgeworth, in his desire to reveal the truth, instead investigated while acting as assistant to Simon's defence attorney, Raymond Shields. Edgeworth eventually uncovered the truth, and Roland was arrested for Knightley's murder, putting Simon's scheme back on track.

With Roland out of the way, Simon moved on to Blaise Debeste. He communicated anonymously with both Debeste and Jill Crane, the girlfriend of the late Jack Cameron, who had been seeking revenge for Cameron's death. Simon informed Crane of Blaise's involvement with the black market auctions that had been taking place in the Grand Tower, and Crane used this information to obtain a place as a customer at one of the auctions. She planned to win a bid for an item at the auction, and kill Blaise while the two went to the storeroom to finalise the sale. Unfortunately for her, Simon had also informed Blaise that Crane was planning to kill him. When Crane came to exact her revenge on Blaise, he had already prepared an elaborate scheme to murder her and cover up her death.

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Simon knew that Blaise Debeste would kill Jill Crane. This meant that he needed to be caught before he could cover up the murder. To ensure that this would happen, Simon invited Edgeworth's assistant, Kay Faraday, to Gourd Lake Park, where he drugged her with sleeping pills, and planted a bug inside her Yatagarasu's Badge. He loaded Kay into his hot-air balloon, in order to bring her to the roof of the Grand Tower. Simon had communicated with Crane as "Kay", and planned to plant those letters on her afterwards. When Simon reached the roof of the tower, however, he saw something unexpected - the fake President Huang, speaking to Judge Justine Courtney. The body double asked Courtney to leave the viewing platform, after which he pulled out a gun, and fired on Simon's balloon, striking the bottom of the basket. Simon then took this opportunity to claim revenge on the last of the three partners in crime, by landing the balloon on top of the fake Huang, crushing him to death. He then deposited Kay on the roof of the tower and planted the fake letters on her, knowing Debeste would try to pin the murder on her, and that this would lure Edgeworth to the case.

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Simon now had the body of a "president" to dispose of. If the body was found then, it would draw attention away from the other incident he had planned - Crane's murder. To solve this issue, he brought the body to a nearby refrigerated warehouse, where he stored the body overnight - this also had the effect of making the time of death appear to be a day later than it actually was. The next night, Simon brought the body to the film lot outside the Grand Tower, where he spotted John Marsh rehearsing for the film that was under production. John had set up a heater on the roof of the nearby building, which had set fire to the legs of the stand holding up a large Moozilla model, causing the model head to fall. Simon used this as an opportunity to frame John for the murder, by placing the body near where the Moozilla head had landed, making it appear as if the Moozilla head was the murder weapon.

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As expected, Miles Edgeworth proved that Blaise Debeste was responsible for the murder of Jill Crane, and shortly after, the fake Huang's body was discovered in the film lot. Edgeworth decided to investigate this new mystery as well. Meanwhile, at the courthouse, the trial of Patricia Roland for Horace Knightley's murder was due to begin. Wanting to ensure that Roland was found guilty, Simon kidnapped John, and planned to use him to force Judge Courtney to hand down a guilty verdict. However, Blaise had a similar plan - to kidnap John in order to force a not guilty verdict - and his demand reached Courtney first. Blaise's henchmen kidnapped the wrong boy - Sebastian Debeste - but Courtney did not know this, and felt forced to do as Blaise demanded. Luckily, Edgeworth managed to locate both Sebastian and John, freeing Courtney from both kidnappers' demands, and allowing her to hand down the correct verdict to Patricia Roland - guilty. The case also publicly brought to light Blaise Debeste's crimes, and he was stripped of all authority, thus lifting the restrictions he had placed on the SS-5 incident's case files.

Now able to access the case files of the SS-5 incident, Edgeworth was able to discover the truth behind the deaths of Jack Cameron and the real President Huang. He realised that Dogen had killed Huang under the request of Huang's body double, and, using testimony obtained from Dogen himself, who had absconded from prison, finally realised that Simon Keyes was the true mastermind behind the events of the past few weeks. Simon proved a tough opponent, able to defeat every accusation Edgeworth threw at him simply because he had not directly killed anyone, or even ordered any of their murders - he had merely nudged a few people in the directions he wanted them to go in, and they did the rest themselves. However, Simon made one fatal error - he failed to account for the pollen from the lion lily flowers the body double had been holding at the time of his death. The pollen had attached itself to the bottom of his hot-air balloon, and a simple forensic test dealt the final, fatal blow to Simon's 12 years of scheming.

Epilogue / 結語

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Edgeworth once again stands in the P.I.C. meeting room, alongside Kay, Gumshoe, Ray, and Courtney. Edgeworth has finally reached a decision about which path he wants to walk in life. To fight crime as a prosecutor, or to save people as a defence attorney... Edgeworth has decided that he wants to save people... as a prosecutor. Simon Keyes was a victim as well, but he had nobody to turn to, and lost faith in other people. Edgeworth was once in a similar position - he was once a ruthless prosecutor who did whatever he could to get every defendant found guilty - but thanks to his friends, he saw the error of his ways. The law is not always correct - there are many contradictions, and in the hands of someone like Blaise Debeste, it can be used for evil. Edgeworth's decision is that he wants to fight the contradictions of the law, as a prosecutor. With that, Judge Courtney formally returns to Edgeworth his Prosecutor's Badge. The newly-reborn Prosecutor Edgeworth swears to reach the truth waiting at the end of his new path in life, and that if anyone would stand in his way, he has just one word to say to them... Objection!

Congratulations, you've reached the end of Gyakuten Kenji 2, the second of Edgeworth's adventures! Sit back and enjoy the closing credits. That's all from Miles Edgeworth for now... or is it? You'll have to play the next game in the series to find out!

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