Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 5: The Grand Turnabout

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It's the Grand Tower once again - this time, late at night. The ground shakes violently, accompanied by a loud stomping noise, and a massive footprint is left in the ground outside the tower. The stomping grows louder and louder, and a massive red eye peers into the hidden storeroom of the tower. A small boy stands outside the tower to confront whatever monster is descending on the Grand Tower, and his horns begin to glow, as the beast responsible for this commotion stands before him - the Mighty Moozilla!

Case Information / 事件情報

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  • Time of crime: 5 April, approx. 11 p.m.
  • Location: Grand Tower - Temporary Film Lot
  • Victim: Di-Jun Huang
  • Cause of death: Crushing
  • Murder weapon: Model head of "The Mighty Moozilla"
  • Suspect: Justine Courtney
  • Witnesses: Penny Nichols, John Marsh
  • Defence attorney: Raymond Shields
  • Prosecutors: Franziska von Karma, Sebastian Debeste
  • "Great Thief's assistant": Miles Edgeworth

Characters / 登場人物

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"Great Thief's assistant" / 大泥棒の助手

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Miles Edgeworth / 御剣 怜侍 (みつるぎ れいじ Mitsurugi Reiji)

The character you control in this game. Having abandoned his badge in the previous chapter, Edgeworth no longer holds any investigative authority. Can he still find the red-hooded person responsible for assaulting Kay in the last case?

Defence attorney / 弁護士

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Raymond Shields / 信楽 盾之 (しがらき たてゆき Shigaraki Tateyuki)

A defence attorney, and former assistant to Edgeworth's father, Gregory Edgeworth. He fills in for the victim of the previous case, Jill Crane, who was due to serve as the defence for the prison warden from Episode 2, Patricia Roland.

Prosecutors / 検事

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Franziska von Karma / 狩魔 冥 (かるま めい Karuma Mei)

A renowned prosecutor, and the daughter of Edgeworth’s former mentor Manfred von Karma. She steps in to replace Sebastian Debeste after he fails to show up for the trial of the prison warden from Episode 2, Patricia Roland.

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Sebastian Debeste / 一柳 弓彦 (いちやなぎ ゆみひこ Ichiyanagi Yumihiko)

A rookie prosecutor who insists that he is "The Best", but in reality is a complete cloud-cuckoo-lander. Thanks to his father’s ruthless outburst in the previous case, Sebastian has disappeared, and fails to turn up for a trial in which he’s supposed to prosecute.

Victim / 被害者

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Di-Jun Huang / 王 帝君 (おう ていくん Ō Teikun)

The (not so) fearsome and intimidating president of the East Asian Republic of Zheng Fa. Only days after the fake assassination attempt at Gourd Lake, President Huang is again targeted - except this time, it’s the real deal, and the killer gets their man.

Suspect / 被疑者

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Justine Courtney / 水鏡 秤 (みかがみ はかり Mikagami Hakari)

A judge, and a member of the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee. She helped you find the true culprit in the previous case, and now it’s your turn to return the favour when she finds herself accused of murder.

Witnesses / 目撃者

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Penny Nichols / 間宮 由美子 (まみや ゆみこ Mamiya Yumiko)

An employee of Global Studios, the production company behind such hit shows as The Steel Samurai and The Pink Princess. You may recognise her from an earlier case involving Edgeworth, the blue-suited defence attorney, and his spirit medium assistant.

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John Marsh / 相沢 詩紋 (あいざわ しもん Aizawa Shimon)

The main star of the film currently shooting at the Grand Tower, "The Mighty Moozilla vs. Gourdy". He appears to be younger than he actually is, and is also considered short for his age - and doesn’t respond well to either being mentioned.

Other characters / 他の登場人物

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Kay Faraday / 一条 美雲 (いちじょう みくも Ichijō Mikumo)

Edgeworth’s self-appointed assistant, and the self-proclaimed successor to the Great Thief Yatagarasu. She finally gets her first official job as the second Yatagarasu - and hires Edgeworth as the first-ever assistant to the Great Thief.

Lotta Hart / 大沢木 ナツミ (おおさわぎ なつみ Ōsawagi Natsumi)

A so-called "investigative reporter" who lives for the next “big scoop”. The discovery of a film set next to the Grand Tower containing a contingent of “monsters” grabs her interest straight away.

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Shi-Long Lang / 狼 士龍 (ろう しりゅう Rō Shiryū)

An agent with Interpol from the Republic of Zheng Fa, who worked with Edgeworth on a number of recent cases. He now operates as a “lone wolf”, having been stripped of his army of 100 subordinates.

Dick Gumshoe / 糸鋸 圭介 (いとのこぎり けいすけ Itonokogiri Keisuke)

A homicide detective with the local police force. He’s been feeling lost and confused ever since Edgeworth gave up his prosecutor’s badge.

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Patricia Roland / 美和 マリー (みわ マリー Miwa Marī)

The former warden of the local prison, and the murderer of Horace Knightley in the second case. Her trial is due to take place today.

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Regina Berry / 立見 里香 (たちみ りか Tachimi Rika / ミリカ Mirika)

An animal tamer with the Berry Big Circus, who you last met while investigating Horace Knightley’s murder at the prison. She decides to have her animal friends help out when a certain person goes missing.

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Simon Keyes / 猿代 草太 (さるしろ そうた Sarushiro Sōta)

An animal tamer with the Berry Big Circus, who was your “chief”’s client in the second case. He visits the courthouse with Regina to watch the trial of Patricia Roland, who murdered his childhood friend Horace Knightley.

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Will Powers / 荷星 三郎 (にぼし さぶろう Niboshi Saburō)

An actor with Global Studios, most famous for playing the part of the Steel Samurai, and for being a former client of that well-known defence attorney. Edgeworth is a particularly big fan of his work.

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Nicole Swift / 速水 ミキコ (はやみ みきこ Hayami Mikiko)

The investigative reporter you met during the fake assassination attempt a few days ago. She comes to the Grand Tower to investigate the "mystery" of the Mighty Moozilla alongside her mentor Lotta Hart.

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Blaise Debeste / 一柳 万才 (いちやなぎ ばんさい Ichiyanagi Bansai)

Former chairman of the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee, and the father of Sebastian Debeste. His crimes and attempted cover-ups continue in this case.

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Horace Knightley / 内藤 馬乃介 (ないとう まのすけ Naitō Manosuke)

The gun-toting, chess-obsessed murderer from the first case, and the victim from the second case. Is his death connected to the current case in some way?

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Sirhan Dogen / 鳳院坊 了賢 (ほういんぼう りょうけん Hōinbō Ryōken)

A blind assassin who strikes fear into all who meet him. The ringing of his custom-made bells is said to be the last thing his victims ever hear. He has apparently escaped from prison recently.

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Shelly de Killer / 虎狼死家 左々右エ門 (ころしや さざえもん Koroshiya Sazaemon)

A professional assassin who was key to a certain case involving the spiky-haired defence attorney and his topknot-wearing assistant about a year ago. He was present at the fake assassination attempt a few days earlier. What possible reason could he have for showing himself here and now?

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Jack Cameron / 亀井 隆二 (かめい りゅうじ Kamei Ryūji)

The victim of a certain case from 12 years ago. An investigative photographer who got too close to the truth for a certain person's liking, and was made to "disappear" as a result.

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Jill Crane / 籠目 つばさ (かごめ つばさ Kagome Tsubasa)

The victim in the previous case. She was to serve as Patricia Roland's defence attorney in the trial today, before she was killed.

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Ema Skye / 宝月 茜 (ほうづき あかね Hōdzuki Akane)

A high school student currently studying abroad to become a forensic investigator, who you may recognise from some of Edgeworth’s earlier cases. She continues to help out her idol with her scientific skills, even if he has abandoned the prosecutor's path.

Locations / 場所

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