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Sylheti/Printable version

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Sylheti Language is an Indo-Aryan language, part of the Eastern Indo-Aryan languages group. Sylheti is primarily spoken by the Sylheti people of Bangladesh, India, and the United Kingdom. According to the Joshua Project, 30 different People Groups speak Sylheti as their Primary Language and estimated a total of 13,980,000 global speakers. This Wikibook is an introductory book on the Sylheti language and its speakers.

Study methods

Like any language, mastering Sylheti requires self-discipline. Establish a dedicated study schedule with allocated time, set realistic goals. While immersion in a native-speaking environment and having a personal tutor are ideal, self-study can be highly rewarding on its own.

See also

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Contributor's Guide

This page aims to help potential contributors better understand the principles behind the current work and give ideas for how best to add new material.

See also

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Practical Lessons

Lesson Plan

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Sylheti Syllabus.

Lesson Structure

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Each lesson should have the following sections specified:

  1. Lesson: Lesson name.
    1. Function: One or more functions, appropriate to the stage of learning, chosen from the Syllabus.
    2. Topic: A topic, appropriate to the stage of learning, chosen from the Syllabus.
    3. Vocabulary: Number of new words covered in the lesson, chosen from the Syllabus.
    4. Grammar: One or more grammar topics covered in lesson, chosen from the Syllabus.

Reading practice

Lesson 1

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a am


Lesson 1

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Writing practice

Lesson 1

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t̪ɔ t̪ala


The Sylheti Alphabet has 5 vowels, 5 Vowel diacritics, 28 consonants.


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/a/ /i/ /ʊ/ /ɛ/ /ɔ/

Vowel diacritics

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/a/ /i/ /ʊ/ /ɛ/ /ɔ/


[edit | edit source]
/xɔ/ /xɔ/ /ɡɔ/ /ɡɔ/ /ŋɔ/
/sɔ/ /sɔ/ /zɔ/ /zɔ/
/ʈɔ/ /ʈɔ/ /ɖɔ/ /ɖɔ/
/t̪ɔ/ /t̪ɔ/ /d̪ɔ/ /d̪ɔ/ /nɔ/
/fɔ/ /fɔ/ /bɔ/ /bɔ/ /mɔ/
/ɾɔ/ /lɔ/ /ɽɔ/ /ʃɔ/ /ɦɔ/


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Formation, Pronunciation guide
  • Sylheti Nagri Alphabet by SOAS Sylheti Project (University of London associates), available under CC0


Sylheti Numbers and comparison
Numbers Name IPA
ꠡꠥꠁꠘ꠆ꠘ /ʃuinnɔ/ 0
ꠄꠇ /ex/ ١
ꠖꠥꠁ /dui/ ٢
ꠔꠤꠘ /t̪in/
ꠌꠣꠁꠞ/ꠌꠣꠞꠤ /sair/ /sari/
ꠙꠣꠌ /ɸas/
ꠍꠄ /sɔj/
ꠢꠣꠔ /ɦat̪/ ٧
ꠀꠐ /aʈ/ 8
ꠘꠄ /nɔj/ ٩

Literature and Poetry

Religious Stories

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Sylheti Folklore

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Folk Characters and Legends

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Folk Beliefs and Superstitions

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Folk Songs and Music

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Folk deities

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Sylheti Pronunciation
ꠞꠥꠙꠡꠤ ꠖꠦꠛꠤ ɾʊfɔʃi d̪ɛbi
ꠛꠣꠖꠡꠣ bad̪ʃa
ꠇꠣꠟꠣꠌꠣꠘꠖ xalasand̪
ꠡꠂꠘ꠆ꠘꠣꠡꠤ ꠛꠣꠛꠣ ʃɔinnaʃi baba
ꠞꠣꠈꠣꠟ ɾaxal
ꠖꠢꠞ ꠛꠤꠡꠢꠞꠤ d̪ɔɦɔɾ biʃɦɔɾi
ꠇꠥꠟꠣ ꠖꠦꠛꠤ kʊla d̪ɛbi

Sylheti Mythology

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Creation Myths of Sylhet

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Deities and Spirits in Sylheti Mythology

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Heroic Tales and Legends

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Mythical Creatures of Sylhet

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Sylheti festivals are an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of the East Asia and the Sylheti diaspora around the world. This Wikibook page aims to explore and document the various festivals celebrated in the Sylheti culture, their significance, traditions, and how they are observed.

Introduction to Sylheti Culture

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Historical Background

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Major Sylheti Festivals

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Special Foods

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Cultural Programs

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Pitha Utsab (Rice Cake Festival)

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Rice Cake Varieties

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Rosh Mela

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Religious Significance

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Lesser-Known Sylheti Festivals

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Sylheti Folk Festivals

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Family and Community Celebrations

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Festivals in the Sylheti Diaspora

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Cultural Exchanges

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Festival Attire and Decorations

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Traditional Clothing

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Decorations and Ornaments

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Traditional Foods and Recipes

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Sylheti Cuisine during Festivals

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Music and Dance

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Traditional Music

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Dance Forms

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Contemporary Celebrations

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Modern Adaptations

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Social Media and Festivals

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Preservation of Sylheti Festivals

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Efforts to Preserve Traditions

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Further Reading

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This is a Wikibook page about Sylheti festivals, and remember that Wikibooks encourages collaborative editing, so others can contribute and expand upon the content.


A Window into Sylheti Culture and Wisdom.


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Proverbs are the distilled wisdom of generations, offering insights into the values, beliefs, and culture of a community. Sylheti proverbs, hailing from the picturesque Sylhet region of Bangladesh, are no exception. These succinct expressions convey not only practical advice but also the essence of Sylheti culture, its connection to nature, and its people's resilience. In this wiki article, we will delve into the world of Sylheti proverbs, exploring their origins, meanings, and the cultural significance they hold.

Origins of Sylheti Proverbs

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Sylheti proverbs have their roots in the region's rich history, which includes various influences such as Manipuri, Assamese, and even British colonialism. These proverbs have been passed down through generations as oral traditions, reflecting the collective wisdom of the people. Over time, some proverbs have been adapted from Sanskrit, Urdu, Arabic and Persian for religious significance, while others are unique to Sylhet, shaped by its distinct geography and culture.

Sylheti proverb ꠛꠤꠍꠝꠤꠟ꠆ꠟꠣꠔ ꠉꠟꠖ
IPA bismillat̪ ɡɔlɔd̪
English meaning A Mistake In The Beginning.

This proverb highlights the significance of a good start and the consequences of making errors or mistakes at the beginning of a task or endeavor. "ꠛꠤꠍꠝꠤꠟ꠆ꠟꠣ" (from Arabic Bismillah) is originally an Arabic phrase meaning "In the name of Allah" and is often used at the start of various activities by Muslims as an invocation of blessings and guidance. In this context, it symbolizes the beginning or initiation of any action. The essence of the proverb lies in the idea that a mistake made at the outset of a task can have far-reaching and often negative consequences. Just as a small crack in the foundation of a building can lead to structural problems over time, an error made in the initial stages of a project, relationship, or any endeavor can escalate into larger issues down the road. This proverb serves as a cautionary reminder to be diligent, careful, and thorough when starting something new. It encourages individuals to pay close attention to the details, make well-informed decisions, and take the necessary steps to ensure a strong and stable foundation. By doing so, one can minimize the likelihood of facing problems, regrets, or complications later on.While the exact origin of the proverb may be uncertain, its message is universal and timeless. It underscores the importance of a strong start and the potential consequences of overlooking or neglecting the beginning stages of any undertaking. It is a valuable piece of wisdom that transcends cultural boundaries, offering guidance and insight to individuals striving for success and avoiding mistakes in their endeavors. Another interpretation emphasizes the idea that someone has undertaken a significant task but made a mistake at the beginning, ultimately leading to the ruin of the entire endeavor. This aspect of the proverb underscores the critical role that a proper start plays in the success or failure of a larger project. It serves as a warning about the potential consequences of initial errors that can have cascading effects, resulting in the failure of a substantial undertaking.

The Role of Nature in Sylheti Proverbs

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Sylheti proverb ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠞ ꠝꠣꠑꠤ ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠞ ꠙꠣꠘꠤ
IPA silɔʈɔɾ maʈi silɔʈɔɾ fani
English meaning Sylhet's soil, Sylhet's water.

Sylhet's breathtaking landscape of rolling hills, lush tea gardens, and rivers has deeply influenced its proverbs. Nature serves as a metaphor and backdrop for many of these sayings. For instance, the proverb "Sylhet's soil, Sylhet's water" reflects the region's fertile land and abundant water sources, symbolizing prosperity and self-sufficiency.

Sylheti proverb ꠇꠣꠘ꠆ꠖꠦ ꠙꠥꠔꠦ ꠖꠥꠗ ꠈꠣꠄ
IPA xand̪e fut̪e dud xaj
English meaning The crying baby gets the milk or The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

This proverb reflects the deep-rooted connection between nature, human behavior, and the values of this community. In the context of Sylheti proverbs, this saying underscores the importance of vocalizing one's needs and emotions. It suggests that just as a crying baby is more likely to receive nourishment and care, individuals who express their desires, grievances, or concerns are more likely to have their needs met within the community. This proverb not only highlights the cultural emphasis on open communication and the value placed on expressing one's feelings but also draws attention to the nurturing aspect of the Sylheti society. The Sylhet region is known for its lush green landscapes, tea gardens, and agricultural activities. Nature plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of its people. The connection between nature and nurturing, exemplified by the provision of milk to a crying baby, reflects how the Sylheti culture values compassion, empathy, and responsiveness to human needs, mirroring the way they tend to their fertile land. Furthermore, the proverb also signifies the idea of reciprocity within the community. Just as a baby's cries are met with care, so too should one be willing to respond to the needs of others. This concept of reciprocity and communal support is deeply ingrained in Sylheti culture and is often mirrored in their proverbs. Sylheti proverbs reflects the cultural importance of open communication, empathy, and reciprocity within the community. It also demonstrates the profound connection between nature and human behavior, showcasing how the Sylheti people draw inspiration from their natural surroundings to convey essential values and social norms.

Family and Social Values

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Sylheti proverbs often highlight the significance of family and community. The saying "Ghor fitaite mati aise, khalna fitaite bashi aise" underscores the idea that a loving and caring family environment is what truly makes a house a home.


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Sylheti proverb ꠢꠍ꠆ꠔꠣꠔ ꠙꠍ꠆ꠔꠣꠘꠤ ꠀꠀ ꠖꠣꠝꠅ ꠇꠦꠐꠇꠦꠑꠣꠘꠤ
IPA ɦɔst̪at̪ fɔst̪ani aɾ d̪amɔ xɛʈxɛʈáni
English meaning Regret cheap purchases and whinging over prices.

When one realizes the shortcomings of their cheap purchase, they often find themselves complaining or lamenting their decision, a sentiment shared universally among consumers. This proverb's relevance extends far beyond the Sylheti community, resonating with people worldwide who have experienced the consequences of prioritizing price over value. It highlights several valuable life lessons:

  1. Quality Matters: The proverb underscores the importance of quality in any purchase. Opting for cheap alternatives without considering durability and performance can lead to disappointment.
  2. Long-Term Perspective: It encourages individuals to take a long-term perspective when making decisions, especially financial ones. What may seem like savings in the short term can turn into financial burdens down the road.
  3. Informed Choices: The proverb promotes informed decision-making. Rather than rushing into a purchase, it advises consumers to research, compare options, and choose wisely.
  4. Value over Price: It emphasizes the value of a product or service over its price. Sometimes, investing a little more upfront can result in significant savings over time.
  5. Responsible Consumerism: This saying advocates responsible consumer behavior, which includes considering the environmental and social impacts of a purchase.

In a world where consumers are bombarded with choices and enticed by discounts and sales, the Sylheti proverb serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of making thoughtful, informed decisions. It encourages us to reflect on our choices and recognize that, in many cases, we get what we pay for. Ultimately, it reinforces the idea that true value transcends the allure of a low price tag, and regret is the price one pays for neglecting this fundamental truth.

Resilience and Adaptability

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The Sylhet region has faced its share of challenges, including landslides, floods, and economic hardships. Sylheti proverbs often carry messages of resilience and adaptability. The saying "Haat doiya, forir ufre bhua" encourages persistence in the face of obstacles.

Cultural heartbeats

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Sylheti proverbs are more than linguistic expressions; they are the cultural heartbeats of the Sylhet region. These concise, insightful sayings offer guidance, wisdom, and glimpses into the values and way of life of the Sylheti people. Their reliance on nature, focus on family and community, and emphasis on resilience make them a unique and invaluable part of the region's cultural heritage.As Sylheti faces modernization and globalization, preserving these proverbs becomes crucial for maintaining the region's cultural identity and language. Initiatives to document, teach, and promote Sylheti proverbs are vital steps toward ensuring that this rich tradition continues to enrich the lives of future generations, both within and beyond the Sylhet region. In the world of proverbs, Sylheti wisdom shines brightly, offering lessons and insights that transcend time and place.

Challenges and Preservation Efforts

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Despite their cultural and linguistic significance, Sylheti proverbs face challenges in the modern era. As society becomes more globalized, younger generations are often more familiar with Bengali or English than their native Sylheti language. This shift has led to a gradual decline in the use and understanding of Sylheti proverbs. Efforts are underway to document and preserve Sylheti proverbs for future generations. Organizations, scholars, and local communities are working together to compile collections, create resources, and promote the teaching of these proverbs in schools and communities. Such initiatives are essential to ensure that the wisdom and cultural heritage encapsulated in Sylheti proverbs continue to thrive.



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About False Paradise

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"False Paradise: A Sylheti Ballads" is a captivating literary work that delves deep into the rich cultural heritage of the Sylhet region in Bangladesh. This enchanting collection of ballads and folk tales offers readers a window into the mystical world of Sylhet, where reality and folklore intertwine seamlessly.Each ballad in "False Paradise" is a narrative gem, handed down through generations, and skillfully transcribed by the author, capturing the essence of Sylheti culture. These ballads are more than just stories; they are the soul of Sylhet, where legends, myths, and everyday life merge.The book invites readers to embark on a journey through the tea gardens, misty hills, and lush forests of Sylhet. The ballads are steeped in the region's distinct flavors, offering glimpses of its unique traditions, superstitions, and the resilience of its people. From tales of love and longing to stories of mythical creatures, the book weaves a tapestry of Sylhet's cultural tapestry."False Paradise" is not only a literary treasure but also a historical document, preserving the oral traditions of the Sylheti people for future generations. It sheds light on the often-neglected folklore of this enchanting region and brings to life the voices of its storytellers.Readers will be transported to a world where rivers whisper secrets, forests hide ancient mysteries, and the past is never truly forgotten. "False Paradise" is a celebration of Sylhet's past, present, and future, offering a glimpse into a world both familiar and otherworldly. It is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the magic of Sylhet.

About Sylhet Gitika

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These ballads are characterized by their unique storytelling style, often sung in the Sylheti language. They offer insights into the daily lives, traditions, and folklore of the Sylheti people. Some of the common themes found in Sylhet Gitika include love, nature, spirituality, and social issues. One of the distinguishing features of Sylhet Gitika is its rich lyrical content. The songs are known for their poetic and metaphoric language, which adds depth and emotion to the narratives. They are often accompanied by traditional musical instruments such as the dotara (a stringed instrument) and flute, which contribute to the distinct melodies of these ballads. These ballads also play a crucial role in preserving the history and cultural identity of the Sylheti people. They serve as a repository of local legends, historical events, and moral lessons. Through the songs, the Sylheti community passes on its values, beliefs, and customs to future generations.

About Maimansingha Gitika

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Researcher Asaddor Ali's groundbreaking discovery concerning the Maimansingha Gitika, a collection of traditional songs from Bangladesh, has significantly altered our perception of these songs' origins and cultural history. In the course of his meticulous research, Ali uncovered that nine widely acclaimed Maimansingha Gitika songs, previously attributed to the Mymensingh region, actually have their roots in Sylheti culture. This revelation carries profound implications for our understanding of these songs, shedding light on the intricate tapestry of cultural exchange and influence that has long defined the region. The discovery by Asaddor Ali challenges established narratives and presents a new lens through which we can view the Maimansingha Gitika. It provides a compelling example of how cultural traditions are dynamic and continuously shaped by interactions and migrations. One of the most significant aspects of Ali's research is its ability to prompt a comprehensive reinterpretation of the historical origins of these ballads. Previously, these songs were predominantly associated with Mymensingh, and their Sylheti influence remained unrecognized. However, Ali's findings underscore the importance of cross-cultural interactions and the exchange of artistic expressions between the two regions. In reevaluating the narratives surrounding Maimansingha Gitika, we must now acknowledge their multifaceted origins. The discovery underscores the interconnectedness of regions like Mymensingh and Sylhet, regions that have shared borders and have historically had significant interactions. It reveals how cultural exchange and adaptation have played a pivotal role in shaping the traditions and artistic expressions of these regions. The influence of Sylheti culture on Mymensingh's folk music adds a layer of complexity to the region's cultural landscape. The narrative surrounding the Maimansingha Gitika now includes the recognition of Sylheti contributions. This revised narrative broadens our understanding of the cultural tapestry of Bangladesh. It invites us to celebrate the cultural diversity and acknowledge the multifaceted origins of these traditional songs, enriching our appreciation of their heritage. This discovery highlights a fundamental truth about cultural expressions: they often have diverse origins. It emphasizes that elements and influences from various sources can blend over time to create something unique and beautiful. In the case of the Maimansingha Gitika, it is the fusion of Mymensingh and Sylheti influences that has given rise to their distinctive character. Asaddor Ali's research has far-reaching implications. It not only reshapes our understanding of the Maimansingha Gitika but also opens new avenues of inquiry for scholars, musicians, and cultural enthusiasts. It encourages further exploration into the intersections of culture, migration, and artistic expression. Researchers can delve deeper into the historical connections between Mymensingh and Sylhet, uncovering more hidden gems of cultural exchange. The discovery adds depth to the cultural identity of both Mymensingh and Sylhet. It acknowledges the shared heritage and influences that have shaped their artistic expressions. This recognition fosters a sense of connection between the two regions and contributes to a broader appreciation of Bangladesh's diverse cultural heritage. The discovery of Sylheti origins within the Maimansingha Gitika is a testament to the profound influence of cultural exchange and migration. It showcases how people's movement between regions can lead to the fusion of artistic traditions. In this case, the migration of communities played a pivotal role in shaping the region's folk music. Asaddor Ali's discovery contributes to the broader conversation about cross-cultural influence and the dynamic nature of cultural traditions. It reminds us that cultures are not static entities but rather living, breathing entities that adapt and evolve over time. This legacy of cross-cultural influence is not unique to Bangladesh; it is a global phenomenon that has shaped the cultural heritage of societies throughout history. Asaddor Ali's revelation that nine famous Maimansingha Gitika songs have Sylheti origins represents a significant milestone in the study of Bangladesh's cultural heritage. It invites us to reevaluate our understanding of these ballads and appreciate the complexity of their origins. It also serves as a celebration of the rich cultural diversity and interconnectedness that characterizes the region. The Maimansingha Gitika, now recognized as a product of both Mymensingh and Sylheti influences, serves as a powerful symbol of the enduring impact of cultural exchange and migration on the traditions that define us.


This list contains a list of common nouns in Sylheti with their English meanings.

Tip:- If you want to search for a particular word, use the Find feature in your browser (CTRL + F, or F5 in Internet Explorer).

Sylheti IPA English meaning M/F Remarks Example


This list contains a list of common verbs in Sylheti with their English meanings.

Tip:- If you want to search for a particular word, use the Find feature in your browser (CTRL + F, or F5 in Internet Explorer).

Sylheti word IPA English meaning M/F Remarks Example
ꠎꠣꠃꠣ zaʊa to go


This list contains a list of common pronouns in Sylheti with their English meanings.

Tip:- If you want to search for a particular word, use the Find feature in your browser (CTRL + F, or F5 in Internet Explorer).

Sylheti IPA English meaning M/F Remarks Example


This list contains a list of common adjectives in Sylheti with their English meanings.

Tip:- If you want to search for a particular word, use the Find feature in your browser (CTRL + F, or F5 in Internet Explorer).

Sylheti IPA English meaning M/F Remarks Example


This list contains a list of cases in Sylheti with their English meanings.

Tip:- If you want to search for a particular word, use the Find feature in your browser (CTRL + F, or F5 in Internet Explorer).

Sylheti IPA English meaning M/F Remarks Example

Past Tense


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- Briefly introduce the concept of the past tense in language. - Explain the importance of understanding the past tense in Sylheti.

Formation of the Past Tense

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- Provide Sylheti vocabulary related to the past tense, including words and phrases like "yesterday," "in the past," "once upon a time," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Verb Conjugation

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- Explain how verbs are conjugated to express the past tense in Sylheti. - Provide examples of verb conjugation in the past tense.

Past Time Expressions

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- Present Sylheti time expressions used to indicate past actions or events, such as "last week," "two days ago," "when I was young," etc. - Include examples of sentences using past time expressions.

Expressing Simple Past Actions

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- Teach Sylheti vocabulary and phrases for expressing simple past actions, such as "I ate," "They worked," "She read," etc. - Explain how to construct basic past tense sentences.

Affirmative Sentences

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- Describe the structure of affirmative sentences in the past tense. - Provide examples of affirmative sentences.

Negative Sentences

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- Explain how to form negative sentences in the past tense in Sylheti. - Provide examples of negative sentences.

Interrogative Sentences

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- Discuss how to ask questions in the past tense in Sylheti. - Include examples of interrogative sentences.

Expressing Completed Actions and Events

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- Provide Sylheti vocabulary related to expressing completed actions and events in the past tense, such as "I finished," "They completed," "It happened," etc. - Explain how to express actions that have already taken place.

Use of Specific Time Phrases

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- Describe how specific time phrases are used in Sylheti to indicate when a past action occurred, such as "at 3 PM yesterday," "in 1990," etc. - Include examples of sentences using specific time phrases.

Expressing Past Habits and Repeated Actions

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- Present Sylheti vocabulary related to expressing past habits and repeated actions, such as "I used to do," "They always went," "She often visited," etc. - Explain the nuances of expressing habitual actions in the past.

Past Frequency Adverbs

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- Teach past frequency adverbs used in Sylheti to indicate how often actions occurred in the past, such as "always," "often," "sometimes," etc. - Include examples of sentences using past frequency adverbs.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti grammar, especially related to the past tense. - Include sources for Sylheti language courses and grammar guides.


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- List any sources or references used to compile the past tense grammar information.

Present Tense


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- Briefly introduce the concept of the present tense in language. - Explain the importance of understanding the present tense in Sylheti.

Formation of the Present Tense

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- Provide Sylheti vocabulary related to the present tense, including words and phrases like "now," "today," "at this moment," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Verb Conjugation

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- Explain how verbs are conjugated to express the present tense in Sylheti. - Provide examples of verb conjugation in the present tense.

Present Time Expressions

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- Present Sylheti time expressions used to indicate present actions or states, such as "currently," "at the moment," "right now," etc. - Include examples of sentences using present time expressions.

Expressing Simple Present Actions

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- Teach Sylheti vocabulary and phrases for expressing simple present actions, such as "I eat," "They work," "She reads," etc. - Explain how to construct basic present tense sentences.

Affirmative Sentences

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- Describe the structure of affirmative sentences in the present tense. - Provide examples of affirmative sentences.

Negative Sentences

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- Explain how to form negative sentences in the present tense in Sylheti. - Provide examples of negative sentences.

Interrogative Sentences

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- Discuss how to ask questions in the present tense in Sylheti. - Include examples of interrogative sentences.

Expressing Habits and Routines

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- Present Sylheti vocabulary related to expressing habits and routines in the present tense, such as "I usually do," "I always do," "They often go," etc. - Explain the nuances of expressing habitual actions.

Adverbs of Frequency

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- Teach adverbs of frequency used in Sylheti to indicate how often actions occur in the present, such as "always," "often," "sometimes," etc. - Include examples of sentences using adverbs of frequency.

Expressing Current Conditions and States

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- Provide Sylheti vocabulary for describing current conditions and states in the present tense, such as "I am happy," "He is tired," "They are busy," etc. - Explain how to express emotional states, physical conditions, and ongoing states.

Stative Verbs

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- Discuss stative verbs in Sylheti and how they are used in the present tense. - Provide examples of sentences with stative verbs.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti grammar, especially related to the present tense. - Include sources for Sylheti language courses and grammar guides.


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- List any sources or references used to compile the present tense grammar information.

Future Tense


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- Briefly introduce the concept of the future tense in language. - Explain the importance of understanding the future tense in Sylheti.

Formation of the Future Tense

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- Provide Sylheti vocabulary related to the future tense, including words and phrases like "future," "will," "shall," "going to," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Verb Conjugation

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- Explain how verbs are conjugated to express the future tense in Sylheti. - Provide examples of verb conjugation in the future tense.

Future Time Expressions

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- Present Sylheti time expressions used to indicate future actions or events, such as "tomorrow," "next week," "in the future," etc. - Include examples of sentences using future time expressions.

Expressing Simple Future Actions

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti vocabulary and phrases for expressing simple future actions, such as "I will go," "They will come," "She will eat," etc. - Explain how to construct basic future tense sentences.

Affirmative Sentences

[edit | edit source]

- Describe the structure of affirmative sentences in the future tense. - Provide examples of affirmative sentences.

Negative Sentences

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how to form negative sentences in the future tense in Sylheti. - Provide examples of negative sentences.

Interrogative Sentences

[edit | edit source]

- Discuss how to ask questions in the future tense in Sylheti. - Include examples of interrogative sentences.

Expressing Future Plans and Intentions

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti vocabulary related to expressing future plans and intentions, such as "I am planning to," "I intend to," "I hope to," etc. - Explain the nuances of expressing intentions in the future tense.

Conditional Future Actions

[edit | edit source]

- Teach how to express conditional future actions in Sylheti, such as "If I can, I will," "If they invite me, I will come," etc. - Provide examples of conditional future sentences.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti grammar, especially related to the future tense. - Include sources for Sylheti language courses and grammar guides.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the future tense grammar information.

First Person


[edit | edit source]

- Briefly introduce the concept of the first person in language. - Explain the importance of understanding first-person grammar in Sylheti.

First-Person Pronouns

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of Sylheti first-person pronouns, including singular and plural forms. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


[edit | edit source]

- Explain when and how to use first-person pronouns in Sylheti sentences.

Verb Conjugation for the First Person

[edit | edit source]

Present Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Describe the rules and patterns for conjugating verbs in the present tense for the first person. - Provide examples of present tense verb conjugations.

Past Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how verbs are conjugated in the past tense for the first person. - Provide examples of past tense verb conjugations.

Future Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Describe how verbs are conjugated in the future tense for the first person. - Provide examples of future tense verb conjugations.

Expressing Preferences and Opinions

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti vocabulary related to expressing preferences and opinions in the first person, such as "I like," "I prefer," "I think," "I believe," etc. - Explain the nuances of expressing personal thoughts and feelings.

Agreement and Disagreement

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- Include vocabulary for agreeing and disagreeing with others in the first person. - Provide examples of expressing agreement and disagreement.

Narrating Personal Experiences

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti vocabulary for narrating personal experiences and events in the first person, including "I did," "I saw," "I went," "I met," etc. - Explain how to construct narratives using first-person expressions.

Storytelling and Anecdotes

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- Include vocabulary related to storytelling and sharing anecdotes in Sylheti.

Emotions and Feelings

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words and phrases for describing emotions and feelings in the first person, such as "I am happy," "I am sad," "I am excited," "I am tired," etc. - Offer examples of expressing emotions and feelings.

Empathy and Support

[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary for showing empathy and providing emotional support in Sylheti.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti grammar, especially related to the first person. - Include sources for Sylheti language courses and grammar guides.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the first-person grammar information.

Second Person


[edit | edit source]

- Briefly introduce the concept of the second person in language. - Explain the importance of understanding second-person grammar in Sylheti.

Second-Person Pronouns

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of Sylheti second-person pronouns, including familiar and formal forms. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


[edit | edit source]

- Explain when and how to use second-person pronouns in Sylheti sentences, considering factors like familiarity and politeness.

Verb Conjugation for the Second Person

[edit | edit source]

Present Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Describe the rules and patterns for conjugating verbs in the present tense for the second person. - Provide examples of present tense verb conjugations.

Past Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how verbs are conjugated in the past tense for the second person. - Provide examples of past tense verb conjugations.

Future Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Describe how verbs are conjugated in the future tense for the second person. - Provide examples of future tense verb conjugations.

Commands and Requests in the Second Person

[edit | edit source]

Imperative Mood

[edit | edit source]

- Teach the Sylheti imperative mood used for giving commands and making requests. - Explain how to form imperative sentences in the second person.

Politeness and Formality

[edit | edit source]

- Discuss the use of politeness and formality when giving commands or making requests in Sylheti.

Addressing People in the Second Person

[edit | edit source]

Informal Address

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how informal address is used in Sylheti when speaking to friends, family, or peers. - Provide examples of informal sentences.

Formal Address

[edit | edit source]

- Describe formal address in Sylheti, used when speaking to elders, authority figures, or in formal settings. - Provide examples of formal sentences.

Honorifics and Titles

[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary related to honorifics and titles used in formal address.

Verb Agreement with Second-Person Subjects

[edit | edit source]

Singular Subjects

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how verbs agree with singular second-person subjects in Sylheti. - Offer examples of sentences with singular subjects.

Plural Subjects

[edit | edit source]

- Describe verb agreement with plural second-person subjects. - Provide examples of sentences with plural subjects.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti grammar, especially related to the second person. - Include sources for Sylheti language courses and grammar guides.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the second-person grammar information.

Third Person


[edit | edit source]

- Briefly introduce the concept of the third person in language. - Explain the importance of understanding third-person grammar in Sylheti.

Third-Person Pronouns

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of Sylheti third-person pronouns, including singular and plural forms. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


[edit | edit source]

- Explain when and how to use third-person pronouns in Sylheti sentences.

Verb Conjugation for the Third Person

[edit | edit source]

Present Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Describe the rules and patterns for conjugating verbs in the present tense for the third person. - Provide examples of present tense verb conjugations.

Past Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how verbs are conjugated in the past tense for the third person. - Provide examples of past tense verb conjugations.

Future Tense

[edit | edit source]

- Describe how verbs are conjugated in the future tense for the third person. - Provide examples of future tense verb conjugations.

Demonstratives and Adjectives in the Third Person

[edit | edit source]

Demonstrative Pronouns

[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti demonstrative pronouns used in the third person, such as "this," "that," "these," "those," etc. - Explain how to use demonstratives in context.

Possessive Adjectives

[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti possessive adjectives for the third person, including "his," "her," "their," etc. - Provide examples of possessive adjectives in sentences.

Verb Agreement with Third-Person Subjects

[edit | edit source]

Singular Subjects

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how verbs agree with singular third-person subjects in Sylheti. - Offer examples of sentences with singular subjects.

Plural Subjects

[edit | edit source]

- Describe verb agreement with plural third-person subjects. - Provide examples of sentences with plural subjects.

Reflexive Pronouns in the Third Person

[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti reflexive pronouns used in the third person. - Explain their usage in reflexive sentences.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti grammar, especially related to the third person. - Include sources for Sylheti language courses and grammar guides.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the third-person grammar information.

Vocabulary/Academic Subjects


[edit | edit source]

- Introduce the importance of learning academic subject-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding academic terms can be useful for education and communication.

Common Academic Subjects

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of common Sylheti academic subjects, such as "mathematics," "science," "history," "literature," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


[edit | edit source]

- Explain how these terms are used in educational contexts and discussions about academic interests.

School Levels and Types

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for different levels of education, such as "primary school," "high school," "college," etc. - Describe the education system in Sylhet.

Educational Institutions

[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti terms for various types of educational institutions like "university," "school," "library," etc.

Classroom Terminology

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti classroom-related terms, including "teacher," "student," "desk," "blackboard," "book," etc. - Include phrases used during lessons and lectures.

Homework and Exams

[edit | edit source]

- Provide vocabulary related to homework, assignments, and examinations. - Include terms for grading and evaluation.

Academic Skills and Tools

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for academic skills and tools, such as "writing," "research," "calculator," "computer," etc. - Explain how these skills and tools are utilized in education.

Study Habits

[edit | edit source]

- Share vocabulary related to effective study habits and time management.

Science and Technology Subjects

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for science and technology-related subjects like "physics," "chemistry," "computer science," etc. - Describe the significance of these subjects in the modern world.

Laboratory Terms

[edit | edit source]

- Include laboratory-related vocabulary if applicable.

Humanities and Arts Subjects

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti words for humanities and arts-related subjects like "philosophy," "music," "fine arts," etc. - Explain the cultural and artistic aspects of these subjects.

Creative Expressions

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- Provide terms related to creative expressions, such as "painting," "writing poetry," "singing," etc.

Career and Vocational Subjects

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for career and vocational subjects, including "engineering," "medicine," "business," etc. - Describe the potential career paths associated with these subjects.

Professional Development

[edit | edit source]

- Share vocabulary related to professional development and training.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to academic subjects and educational materials. - Include sources for online courses or academic resources in Sylheti.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the academic subject-related vocabulary and educational information.



[edit | edit source]

- Introduce the importance of learning animal-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding animal terms can be useful for communication, wildlife appreciation, and cultural awareness.

Domestic Animals

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[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of common Sylheti domestic animals, such as "cow," "goat," "chicken," "cat," "dog," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Uses and Roles

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- Explain the roles and significance of these animals in Sylheti culture, such as livestock, pets, or working animals.

Wild Animals

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for wild animals found in Sylheti regions or globally, like "tiger," "elephant," "deer," "leopard," etc. - Describe the characteristics and habitats of these animals.

Conservation and Wildlife

[edit | edit source]

- Share information about wildlife conservation efforts and the importance of preserving natural habitats in Sylhet.


[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for birds, including "sparrow," "crow," "parrot," "eagle," etc. - Explain the diversity of bird species and their significance in Sylheti culture.

Birdwatching and Ornithology

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- Include vocabulary related to birdwatching and the study of birds in Sylheti.

Aquatic and Marine Life

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[edit | edit source]

- Provide Sylheti words for aquatic and marine creatures like "fish," "shark," "dolphin," "crab," etc. - Describe fishing practices and the importance of aquatic life in Sylheti cuisine.

Environmental Conservation

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- Discuss the environmental impact of aquatic and marine life in Sylhet.

Insects and Small Creatures

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for insects and small creatures like "butterfly," "ant," "bee," "spider," etc. - Explain their role in ecosystems and any cultural significance.

Insect Conservation

[edit | edit source]

- Share information about insect conservation efforts in Sylheti regions.

Reptiles and Amphibians

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for reptiles and amphibians like "snake," "turtle," "frog," "lizard," etc. - Describe their habitats and behaviors.

Folklore and Myths

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- Include any Sylheti folklore or myths related to reptiles and amphibians.

Endangered and Threatened Species

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for endangered and threatened species and discuss the importance of their conservation. - Highlight conservation efforts and organizations in Sylhet related to these species.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to wildlife and animal conservation. - Include sources for wildlife guides and information specific to Sylheti regions.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the animal-related vocabulary and cultural information.



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- Introduce the importance of learning banking-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding banking terms can be useful for financial transactions, managing money, and cultural awareness.

Banking Institutions

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[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of Sylheti words related to banking institutions, such as "bank," "branch," "ATM," "account," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Banking Services

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- Explain the various banking services offered by these institutions, like savings accounts, loans, and investments.

Currency and Money Terms

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for currency and money-related terms, including "money," "currency," "dollar," "rupee," etc. - Describe the denominations and types of currency used in Sylhet.

Exchange Rates and Conversion

[edit | edit source]

- Provide vocabulary related to currency exchange rates and currency conversion.

Banking Transactions

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti words and phrases related to banking transactions, such as "withdraw," "deposit," "transfer," "check," "statement," etc. - Explain the steps involved in these transactions.

Online Banking

[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary related to online banking, mobile banking, and electronic transactions.

Financial Planning and Investments

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for financial planning and investment terms like "savings plan," "investment portfolio," "interest rate," "dividend," etc. - Describe the concepts of financial planning and investment in Sylheti culture.

Retirement and Insurance

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- Share vocabulary related to retirement planning and insurance options.

Credit and Loans

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for credit and loan-related terms, including "credit card," "loan application," "interest," "collateral," etc. - Explain the types of loans and credit options available in Sylhet.

Loan Repayment

[edit | edit source]

- Provide vocabulary related to loan repayment and debt management.

Banking Etiquette and Procedures

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti phrases and terms related to banking etiquette, such as "please," "thank you," "signature," "account number," etc. - Explain common procedures and documents used in banking.

Customer Support

[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary related to seeking help from bank customer support.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to banking and financial literacy. - Include sources for financial planning tools in Sylheti.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the banking-related vocabulary and financial information.

Vocabulary/Body parts


[edit | edit source]

- Introduce the importance of learning body part-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding body part terms can be useful for medical communication, everyday life, and cultural awareness.

Basic Body Parts

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of common Sylheti body parts, such as "head," "eyes," "nose," "hands," "feet," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


[edit | edit source]

- Explain how these terms are used in everyday conversations, medical discussions, and expressions.

Internal Organs

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for internal organs like "heart," "lungs," "stomach," "kidneys," etc. - Include terms for major organs and their functions.

Medical Terminology

[edit | edit source]

- Explain how these terms are used in medical contexts and discussions. - Include phrases related to medical examinations and health assessments.

Senses and Sensory Organs

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for senses and sensory organs, including "sight," "hearing," "taste," "smell," "touch," "ear," "tongue," "nose," "skin," etc. - Describe the functions of sensory organs.

Expressions and Idioms

[edit | edit source]

- Share common expressions and idioms related to senses and sensory experiences in Sylheti culture.

Limbs and Extremities

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti words for limbs and extremities like "arms," "legs," "fingers," "toes," etc. - Explain how these body parts are used in various activities.

Movement and Actions

[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary related to movement and actions involving limbs and extremities.

Facial Features

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for facial features such as "forehead," "eyebrows," "lips," "chin," etc. - Describe facial expressions and their cultural significance, if applicable.

Beauty and Makeup

[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary related to beauty, makeup, and facial care in Sylheti culture.

Body Systems

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for body systems like "circulatory system," "nervous system," "digestive system," etc. - Explain the functions of these systems and their importance.

Health and Wellness

[edit | edit source]

- Share vocabulary related to maintaining and discussing health and wellness in Sylheti.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to medical terminology and body parts. - Include sources for health and medical information in Sylheti.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the body part-related vocabulary and cultural information.


Colors (Colours)

[edit | edit source]
Color Meaning Sylheti IPA Usage Example Meaning of Usage Example
Pink ꠉꠥꠟꠣꠛꠤ /ɡulabi/ ꠔꠣꠁꠞ ꠉꠥꠟꠣꠛꠤ ꠛꠠꠅ ꠜꠣꠟꠣ ꠟꠣꠉꠦ She likes pink
  • All colors are adjectives.



[edit | edit source]

- Introduce the importance of learning computing-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding computing terms can be useful for technology, communication, and work.

Basic Computing Terms

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]
A Personal Computer (PC).

A list of fundamental Sylheti computing terms, such as "computer," "keyboard," "mouse," "screen," etc. including pronunciation guides.

No. English Sylheti IPA
computer ꠇꠝ꠆ꠙꠥꠐꠣꠞ /xɔmɸʊʈɛɾ/
9 keyboard ꠇꠤꠛꠥꠒ /kibʊɖ/
10 mouse ꠁꠘ꠆ꠖꠥꠞ /ind̪uɾ/
1 screen ꠙꠞꠖꠣ /fɔɾɔɖa/


[edit | edit source]

- Explain how these terms are used in everyday technology discussions.

Software and Operating Systems

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for software and operating systems, including "program," "application," "Windows," "Linux," etc. - Describe the functions of common software programs.

Installation and Usage

[edit | edit source]

- Provide phrases for installing and using software in Sylheti.

Internet and Networking

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words related to the internet and networking, such as "website," "browser," "Wi-Fi," "router," etc. - Explain internet-related concepts.

Online Activities

[edit | edit source]

- Teach vocabulary for online activities like "email," "social media," "streaming," etc. - Include Sylheti terms for common social media platforms.

Hardware and Devices

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti words for hardware components and devices, including "printer," "scanner," "smartphone," "tablet," etc. - Describe the functions of various hardware devices.


[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary related to troubleshooting common hardware issues.

Coding and Programming

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words related to coding and programming, such as "code," "programming language," "algorithm," "debugging," etc. - Explain coding concepts and their applications.

Learning Programming

[edit | edit source]

- Provide phrases and terms for learning programming in Sylheti.

Cybersecurity and Privacy

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for cybersecurity and privacy-related terms, including "password," "firewall," "encryption," "identity theft," etc. - Explain the importance of cybersecurity.

Safe Online Practices

[edit | edit source]

- Share vocabulary related to safe online practices and protecting personal information.

Emerging Technologies

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[edit | edit source]

- Introduce Sylheti terms for emerging technologies like "artificial intelligence," "virtual reality," "blockchain," etc. - Describe the impact of these technologies on society.

[edit | edit source]

- Include vocabulary related to current technology trends and innovations.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to computing and technology. - Include sources for online courses and technology-related news in Sylheti.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the computing-related vocabulary and technological information.

Vocabulary/Clothes and accessories


[edit | edit source]

- Introduce the importance of learning clothing-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding clothing terms can be useful for daily life and cultural awareness.

Common Clothing Items

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of common Sylheti clothing items, such as "shirt," "pants," "dress," "shoes," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


[edit | edit source]

- Explain how these terms are used in everyday conversations and fashion discussions.

Types of Clothing

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[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for specific types of clothing, like "jacket," "hat," "scarf," "gloves," etc. - Include gender-specific clothing terms, if applicable.


[edit | edit source]

- Describe the characteristics and purposes of different types of clothing. - Explain traditional Sylheti clothing styles, if relevant.

Accessories and Jewelry

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[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for accessories and jewelry, including "necklace," "bracelet," "earrings," "watch," etc. - Explain the cultural significance of certain accessories.

Materials and Styles

[edit | edit source]

- Describe the materials used in making accessories and different styles popular in Sylheti culture.

Colors and Patterns

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti words for colors and patterns, such as "red," "stripes," "floral," "polka dots," etc. - Explain how colors and patterns are described and used in clothing.

Fashion Preferences

[edit | edit source]

- Discuss fashion preferences and trends in Sylheti fashion.

Dressing and Getting Dressed

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[edit | edit source]

- Provide Sylheti words and phrases related to getting dressed, such as "put on," "take off," "change clothes," etc. - Include phrases for describing one's outfit.

Cultural Insights

[edit | edit source]

- Share insights into the cultural significance of dressing in Sylheti society.

Shopping for Clothes

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti shopping-related terms, including "store," "size," "fitting room," "price," etc. - Include phrases for asking about clothing availability and making purchases.

Bargaining and Shopping Etiquette

[edit | edit source]

- Discuss the cultural aspects of shopping and bargaining in Sylheti culture.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to fashion and clothing. - Include sources for fashion magazines or websites in Sylhet.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the clothing and accessory-related vocabulary and cultural information.

Vocabulary/Countries of the World


[edit | edit source]

- Introduce the importance of learning country names in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding country names can be useful for cultural awareness and global communication.

Continent Names

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[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of continent names in Sylheti, such as "Asia," "Africa," "Europe," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Country Names

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti names for countries around the world. - Group countries by continent for easier learning. - Include pronunciation guides for country names. - Organize the list alphabetically or by continent.

Capitals and Flags

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[edit | edit source]

- List the capitals of major countries in Sylheti. - Include descriptions of national flags, if applicable.

Travel and Geography Phrases

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[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti phrases related to travel and geography, such as "I am from," "I want to visit," "I traveled to," etc. - Include essential travel-related terms like "airport," "hotel," "map," etc.

Cultural Insights

[edit | edit source]

- Share brief cultural insights or interesting facts about each country listed. - Explain any unique cultural connections or experiences related to these countries.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to additional resources for learning Sylheti, including language courses and cultural resources related to different countries. - Include sources for maps and further geographical information.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the country-related vocabulary and cultural information.


Sylheti Vocabulary: Direction

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[edit | edit source]

- Introduce the importance of learning direction-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding directions can be useful for navigation and communication.

Basic Directional Terms

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Provide a list of common Sylheti directional terms, such as "north," "south," "east," "west," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Cardinal Directions

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti words for the cardinal directions, including "north," "south," "east," and "west." - Explain how these directions are used in navigation.


[edit | edit source]

- Offer phrases and sentences using cardinal directions in Sylheti.

Relative Directions

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Teach Sylheti words for relative directions like "left," "right," "up," and "down." - Include terms for indicating proximity or distance.


[edit | edit source]

- Explain how relative directions are commonly used in Sylheti.

Landmarks and Locations

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- List Sylheti words for common landmarks and locations, such as "street," "corner," "park," "building," etc. - Describe how these terms are used to describe specific places.

Directions to Places

[edit | edit source]

- Provide phrases for asking for and giving directions to locations in Sylheti.

Transportation and Travel Phrases

[edit | edit source]


[edit | edit source]

- Present Sylheti vocabulary related to transportation and travel, including "bus stop," "train station," "airport," etc. - Include terms for asking about transportation options and routes.


[edit | edit source]

- Offer travel-related phrases and sentences in Sylheti.

Maps and Navigation

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- Explain how navigation and maps work in Sylheti. - Describe common tools or technologies used for navigation. - Provide guidance on using maps and compass directions in Sylheti.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to navigation and geography. - Include sources for maps and navigation tools in Sylhet.


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- List any sources or references used to compile the direction-related vocabulary and cultural information.

Vocabulary/Family and people


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- Briefly introduce the Sylheti language and its significance. - Explain the importance of learning vocabulary related to family and people.

Basic Family Terms

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- Provide a list of common family terms in Sylheti, such as "family," "mother," "father," "sibling," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


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- Explain the context and usage of these terms within the Sylheti culture.

Family Members

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- Describe the relationships between family members and the corresponding Sylheti terms. - Include extended family members like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Cultural Insights

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- Provide insights into the cultural significance of different family roles in Sylheti society.

Personal Pronouns

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- Present Sylheti personal pronouns for different family members and in various contexts (e.g., formal and informal).

Greetings and Politeness

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- Teach common Sylheti greetings and expressions used when interacting with family members and others. - Include polite phrases and honorifics, if applicable.

Common Phrases and Conversations

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- Provide examples of common Sylheti phrases and dialogues related to family life and interactions.

Names and Nicknames

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- Explain how names and nicknames work in Sylheti culture. - List common names and their meanings.

Special Occasions and Celebrations

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- Discuss Sylheti traditions related to family events, such as weddings, birthdays, and festivals. - Include relevant vocabulary and phrases used during these occasions.

Cultural Insights

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- Offer insights into the cultural significance of family and people-related vocabulary in Sylheti society.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, including books, online courses, and language communities.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the vocabulary and cultural information.

Vocabulary/Food and Drink


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- Introduce the importance of food-related vocabulary in Sylheti culture. - Explain how understanding food and drink terms can enhance cultural understanding and culinary experiences.

Common Food Items

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- Provide a list of common Sylheti food items, such as "rice," "vegetables," "meat," "fish," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


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- Explain how these terms are used in everyday conversations and cooking.

Cooking and Preparation

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- Present Sylheti words and phrases related to cooking techniques and food preparation, such as "fry," "boil," "grill," "chop," etc. - Include kitchen utensil names.

Recipes and Dishes

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- Share Sylheti recipes or describe popular Sylheti dishes. - Include the names of traditional dishes and their ingredients.


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- List Sylheti words for beverages, including "tea," "coffee," "juice," "water," etc. - Describe how these beverages are prepared and consumed in Sylhet.

Cultural Insights

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- Discuss the cultural significance of beverages in Sylheti society.

Dining and Etiquette

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- Teach Sylheti dining-related terms, such as "plate," "utensils," "table," "meal," etc. - Explain dining etiquette in Sylheti culture.

Restaurant Phrases

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- Provide phrases for ordering food and drinks at restaurants in Sylhet.

Special Occasions and Festivals

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- Present Sylheti words and phrases associated with special occasions and festivals. - Describe traditional dishes prepared during these events.

Street Food and Markets

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- List Sylheti words related to street food, marketplaces, and vendors. - Explain the street food culture in Sylhet.

Bargaining and Shopping

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- Teach phrases for bargaining and shopping in food markets.

Allergies and Dietary Restrictions

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- Provide Sylheti words related to food allergies, dietary restrictions, and common dietary terms like "vegetarian," "vegan," etc.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to cooking and food culture. - Include sources for Sylheti recipes and culinary traditions.


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- List any sources or references used to compile the food and drink-related vocabulary and cultural information.

See also

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- Introduce the importance of health-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding health terms can be beneficial in healthcare and daily life.

Basic Health Terms

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- Provide a list of fundamental Sylheti health-related terms, such as "health," "doctor," "patient," "hospital," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


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- Explain how these terms are used in conversations related to health and medical situations.

Body Parts and Organs

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- Present Sylheti words for various body parts and organs, such as "heart," "brain," "stomach," "arm," etc. - Include anatomical terms and their pronunciations.

Medical Conditions

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- Describe common medical conditions and illnesses in Sylheti. - Include symptoms and treatment-related vocabulary.

Healthcare Professionals

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- List Sylheti words for healthcare professionals, including "nurse," "pharmacist," "dentist," etc. - Explain their roles in the healthcare system.

Appointments and Visits

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- Teach phrases and terms used when making medical appointments and visiting healthcare providers.

Medications and Prescriptions

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- Provide Sylheti words for common medications, prescriptions, and dosage instructions. - Include warnings and safety information.

Pharmacies and Drugstores

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- Describe how pharmacies and drugstores work in Sylhet, including vocabulary related to buying medications.

Healthy Living and Lifestyle

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- Present Sylheti terms related to healthy living, such as "exercise," "diet," "nutrition," "mental health," etc. - Include advice and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Cultural Insights

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- Discuss cultural perspectives on health and wellness in Sylheti society.

Emergency Situations

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- List Sylheti words and phrases relevant to emergency situations, including "emergency," "ambulance," "first aid," etc. - Include instructions for seeking help during emergencies.


[edit | edit source]

- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to health and healthcare. - Include sources for finding healthcare facilities in Sylhet.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the health-related vocabulary and cultural information.


Whether you're a linguistics enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or someone curious about the world's diverse numerical systems, our Wikibook is your gateway to understanding the multifaceted nature of Sylheti numbers. Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the secrets behind these numbers that bridge the gap between mathematics and culture.

Course outlines

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Our Wikibook offers an in-depth exploration of Sylheti numbers, delving into their origins, historical importance, and how they interweave with the rich tapestry of Sylheti culture. You'll discover:

  1. Numerical System: Learn about the structure and unique characteristics of Sylheti numbers, how they are written, and their distinct counting system.
  2. Cultural Significance: Explore how Sylheti numbers are deeply embedded in cultural practices, rituals, and ceremonies. From weddings to religious observances, these numbers play a central role.
  3. Linguistic Intricacies: Dive into the linguistic aspects of Sylheti numbers, understanding how they morph into meaningful words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions in various contexts.
  4. Sylheti Folklore: Uncover the fascinating stories, myths, and legends that feature Sylheti numbers as key elements, revealing their cultural importance and storytelling tradition.
  5. Practical Use: Discover how Sylheti numbers are employed in everyday life, from bargaining in markets to expressing emotions, showcasing their versatility and adaptability.

Numerical System

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[edit | edit source]
Numeral system
Western Arabic numeral system 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sylheti numeral system
Eastern Arabic numeral systems ٠ ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩

Cultural Significance

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This list contains a list of common words associated with different Numbers in Sylheti and their English meanings.

Tip:- If you want to search for a particular word, use the Find feature in your browser (CTRL + F, or F5 in Internet Explorer).

Sylheti word IPA M/F Literal meaning English meaning
ꠢꠣꠔ ɦat̪ Seven Multi, Multiple, Many, Uncountable
ꠛꠣꠞꠅ ꠈꠣꠃꠞꠤ baɾɔ xaʊɾi Feminine Twelve eater Slut
ꠛꠣꠞꠅ ꠎꠣꠔ baɾɔ zat̪ Twelve types/kind Diverse, Multi, Multiple
ꠌꠟ꠆ꠟꠤꠡꠣ sɔlliʃa Fortieth Popular Hindu religious poetry. The Muslims share the importance of the number 40 with the Jewish traditions. This word also used as warning.

Linguistic Intricacies

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Sylheti folklore

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Practical Use

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Sylheti numeral Sylheti word IPA English
ꠄꠇ /ɛx/ one
ꠖꠥꠁ /d̪ui/ two
ꠔꠤꠘ /t̪in/ three
ꠌꠣꠁꠞ /saiɾ/ four
ꠙꠣꠌ /fas/ five
ꠍꠄ /sɔj/ six
ꠢꠣꠔ /ɦat̪/ seven
ꠀꠐ /aʈ/ eight
ꠘꠄ /nɔj/ nine
ꠖꠡ /d̪ɔʃ/ ten
Symbols Sylheti word IPA English
𓅪 ꠄꠉꠥ ꠙꠣꠈꠤ /ɛɡu faki/ one bird
𓅪𓅪 ꠖꠥꠉꠥ ꠙꠣꠈꠤ /d̪uɡu faki/ two birds
𓅪𓅪𓅪 ꠔꠤꠘꠉꠥ ꠙꠣꠈꠤ /t̪inɡu faki/ three birds

United Kingdom

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Sylheti speakers in London are a diverse group that includes both native Sylheti speakers, who originally come from the Sylhet region and speak Sylheti as their mother tongue, and British individuals of various backgrounds who have learned to speak Sylheti, often due to family connections or cultural ties. This linguistic diversity reflects the multicultural nature of London, where people from different linguistic backgrounds come together to form a vibrant community. Here are some examples in the context of London.

Sylheti word IPA English
ꠄꠇ ꠙꠣꠃꠘ /ɛx faun/ one pound


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Sylheti word IPA English
ꠄꠇ ꠞꠥꠙꠤ /ɛx ɾufi/ one rupee


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Sylheti word IPA English
ꠄꠇ ꠐꠦꠇꠣ /ɛx ʈɛxa/ one taka



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- Introduce the importance of learning time-related vocabulary in Sylheti. - Explain how understanding time terms can be useful for scheduling, planning, and cultural awareness.

Units of Time

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- Provide a list of Sylheti words for units of time, such as "second," "minute," "hour," "day," "week," "month," "year," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Time Measurement

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- Explain how time is measured and represented in Sylheti culture.

Telling Time

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- Teach Sylheti words and phrases related to telling time, including "clock," "watch," "hour hand," "minute hand," etc. - Describe how to express specific times in Sylheti.

Time Formats

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- Explain the various time formats used in Sylheti, including 12-hour and 24-hour clocks.

Days of the Week and Months

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- List Sylheti words for days of the week and months, such as "Sunday," "Monday," "January," "February," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.

Cultural Significance

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- Share any cultural or religious significance associated with days and months in Sylheti culture.

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- Present Sylheti words for seasons like "summer," "winter," "monsoon," and weather-related terms like "sunny," "rainy," "cloudy," etc. - Describe the climate and weather patterns in Sylhet.

Seasonal Activities

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- Include vocabulary related to activities and festivals associated with different seasons.

Expressing Duration and Time Intervals

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- Teach Sylheti phrases and terms for expressing duration and time intervals, such as "for one hour," "since yesterday," "in a few minutes," etc. - Explain how to use these expressions in everyday conversations.

Countdowns and Timers

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- Include vocabulary for countdowns and timers.

Historical and Cultural Time References

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- Present Sylheti words and phrases related to historical eras, events, and cultural celebrations involving time. - Share insights into significant historical periods and anniversaries in Sylheti culture.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to time, calendars, and cultural festivals. - Include sources for Sylheti calendars and timekeeping.


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- List any sources or references used to compile the time-related vocabulary and cultural information.

Vocabulary/Weather and seasons


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- Introduce the importance of weather and seasons in daily life. - Explain how understanding Sylheti vocabulary for weather can be useful.

Common Weather Terms

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- Provide a list of common Sylheti weather-related terms, such as "weather," "rain," "sun," "clouds," etc. - Include pronunciation guides if possible.


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- Explain how these terms are used in everyday conversations and weather reports.

Seasons and Climate

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- Present Sylheti words for different seasons, like "summer," "winter," "monsoon," etc. - Describe the climate in Sylhet and its impact on daily life.

Cultural Insights

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- Discuss the cultural significance of different seasons in Sylheti society.

Temperature and Conditions

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- Provide Sylheti vocabulary related to temperature, such as "hot," "cold," "humid," etc. - Explain how to describe weather conditions in Sylheti.


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- Offer phrases and sentences to describe various weather conditions.

Natural Disasters

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- List Sylheti words related to natural disasters, including "flood," "storm," "earthquake," etc. - Include safety-related phrases for emergencies.


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- Discuss the importance of being prepared for natural disasters in Sylhet.

Seasonal Activities and Festivals

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- Present Sylheti words and phrases associated with seasonal activities and festivals. - Include cultural insights and traditions related to these events.

Weather Forecasting

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- Explain how weather forecasting is done in Sylhet. - Include Sylheti terms for weather forecast elements like "temperature," "precipitation," "wind," etc.


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- Provide links to further resources for learning Sylheti, especially related to weather and seasons. - Include sources for weather forecasts in Sylhet.


[edit | edit source]

- List any sources or references used to compile the weather and season-related vocabulary and cultural information.


SYLHETI (Basic Conversation) by Asif Adnan.
Sylheti class by Kate Pline.
Words with ɛ from Sylheti word initial vowels, by Nidaba lexicon analysis and comparison.
Brief history of language trends from Syheti’s numbers by Sylheti Project SOAS (University of London) in Camden.


1. 2. 3.


References and recommended reading
  1. "Learning Sylheti" by Rod Chalmers (1996).
  2. "A Short Dictionary of Londoni Sylheti" by Roger Gwynn (2014).
  3. Bhuiya, Md. Abdul Musabbir (2000). Jalalabadi Nagri: A Unique Script & Literature of Sylheti Bangla. Badarpur, Assam: National Publishers.
  4. Sylheti: a language of Bangladesh. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:syl
  5. LINGUIST List Resources for Sylheti. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_syl