Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular modernized/Notes—Judicial

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Lesson 31. Notes—Judicial.

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Pêng'im TL Teochew Characters Characters English
lao6dia1 zo6dng5 a1bhuê7? lău-tia tsŏ-tn̂g a-būe? 老爹 坐堂 啊未? 老爹坐堂或未 Has the mandarin sat on the bench?
zo6 hoh4gu2-lo7. tsŏ-hoh-kú--lō 坐 好久 ~。 坐好久了 He has sat a long time.
ain3 to3dng5-lo7. àinn-thò-tn̂g--lō 愛 退堂 ~。 要退堂了 He is going to retire now.
i1 do6 sim2 si6mih4 uan3? i tŏ sím sĭ-mih uànn? 伊 在審 是乜 案? 伊在審何案 What case is he trying?
i1 do6 sim2 zêg8diou5 tai5nang5 uan3. i tŏ sím tsêk-tiôu thâi-nâng uànn 伊 在審 一條 刣人 案。 伊在審壹條刣人案 He is trying a murder case.
lao6dia1 dan3 ain3 ke3 toin2 si1. lău-tia tànn-àinn-khùr thóinn si 老爹 呾 愛去 睇屍。 老爹呾要去看屍 The mandarin says he is going to see the corpse.
bi6go3-gai5 nang5 kah4 u6 ring7 mê7? pĭ-kò--kâi-nâng khah-ŭ zīn-mē? 被告個 儂 豈有 認 ~? 被告之人有認否 Does the person accused admit it?
bho5, i1 dan3 m7si6 i1 tai5. bô, i tànn m̄-sĭ i thâi 無,伊 呾 唔是 伊 刣。 無。伊呾不是伊刣 No, he said the man was not killed by him.
i1 gah4 lao6dia1 dan3, “lao6ia5-a1, ua2 bho5 zuê6” i kah lău-tia tànn, lău-iâ--a, uá bô-tsŭe 伊 甲 老爹 呾:『老爺 啊,我 無 罪。』 伊與老爹呾。老爺亞。我無罪 He said to the mandarin, "Your Worship, I am innocent."
“ua2 si6 koih4nang5 uang2kug4.” uá sĭ khoih--nâng uáng-khut " 『我 是 乞儂 枉屈。』 我是被人枉屈 I am falsely accused by the people.
“nang5 ain3 hai7 ua2.” nâng-àinn-hāi úa " 『儂 愛 害 我。』 人要害我 People wish to do me harm.
“kiu5 lao6ia5 toi3ua2 sing1uang1, ko2liêng5 ua2.” khiû lău-iâ thòi-úa sin-uan, khó-liên uá 『求 老爺 代 我 伸冤,可憐 我。』 求老爺代我伸寃。可憐我 "I beg Your Worship to investigate the case on my behalf, and to have mercy on me."
lao6dia1 giê3 i1 su3. lău-tia kiè i sù 老爹 叫 伊 訴。 老爹呌伊訴 The mandarin asked him to make his statement.
i1 dan3 hian3zian3 zoi7 uê7. i tànn hiànn-tsiànn-tsōi ūe 伊 呾 ~~ 㩼 話。 伊呾甚多話 He made a long statement.
lao6dia1 tian1liou2 ziu6 dag4tao5. lău-tia thiann-lióu tsiŭ tak-thâu 老爹 聽了 就 答頭。 老爹聽了就㸃頭 The mandarin after hearing him, nodded his head.
i1 gai5 uan3 ain3 ang3 gao3 man3ki2. i kâi uànn àinn-àn-kàu mànn-khí 伊個 案 愛 限到 明起。 伊個案要限到明天 His case will be postponed till to-morrow.
m7mon2 zo3cag8. m̄-mónn tsǒ-tshât 孬 做賊。 不可做賊 Don't be a thief.
m7mon2 tao1kiêh8 nang5-gai5 muêh8. m̄-mónn thau-khiêh nâng kâi muêh 孬 偷挈 儂個 物。 不可盜取人個物 Mustn't steal other peoples things.
zi2gai5 cag8 si6 li5gêng1. tsí-kâi tshât sĭ lî-keng 只個 賊 是 XX。 此個賊是危險 This thief is dangerous.
za1mên5 i1 cng3si2 nang5. tsa-mênn i tshǹg-sí nâng 昨暝 伊 刺死 儂。 昨夜伊剌死壹人 Last night he stabbed a man to deat.h
i1 koih4 ua2 liah8-diêh8. i khoih uá liâh--tiâh 伊 乞 我 掠着。 伊被我掠着 He was caught by me.
ua2 ziu6 liah8 i1 ke3 ghê5mng5-go7. uá tsiŭ liáh i khùr gê-mn̂g--kō 我 就 掠伊 去 衙門 塊。 我就掠伊去衙門處 And I took him to the yamên.
gao1 i1 bung1 cê1hiah8 gai5 ciu2. kau i pun tshe-hiâh kái tshiú 交伊 分 差役 個 手。 交伊與差役個手 And handed him over to the police.
diêh8pah4 i1 gao3 log4log4. tiêh-phah i kàu lok-lok 着 拍 伊 到 ~~。 着打伊到重重 Must beat him very severely;
ê6rig8 i1 zian3 m6gan2. ĕ-zít i tsiànn-m̄-kánn 下日 伊 正 唔敢。 下日伊正不敢 So that he may not dare to do it again.
zi2gai5 guan1hu2 gong1dao6. tsí-kâi kuann-hú kong-tău 只個 官府 公道。 此個官府公道 This mandarin is just.
bho5 uang2kug4 nang5. bô-uáng-khut nâng, 無 枉屈 儂。 無枉屈人 He does not deal with people unjustly.
ia7 bho5 ziah8 nang5 gai5 zin5. iā bô tsiâh nâng kâi tsînn 也 無 食 儂個 錢。 亦無食人個錢 Nor does he take bribes.
nang5 dong1dig8. nâng tong-tît 儂 忠直。 人忠直 He is a straight-forward man.
bêh4sên3 o1lo2 zi2gai5 guan1hu2. peh-sènn o-ló tsí-kâi kuann-hú 百姓 ~~ 整個 官府。 百姓稱誦此個官府 The people praise this mandarin.
i1 ain3 gao1sêng1-lo7. i àinn-kau-seng--lō 伊 愛 高陞 ~。 伊要高陞了 He is going to be promoted.
sui1riêng5 lug8 si6 ngiam5, huang5liou2 ning2 diêh8 sung6. sui-ziên lût sĭ ngiâm, huân-lióu nín tiêh sŭn 雖然 律 是 嚴,還了 恁 着順。 雖然律是嚴。還了恁着順 Though the law is strict, yet you must obey it.
huam6lug8-gai5 nang5 diêh8 siu6huag8. huăm-lût--kâi-nâng tiêh siŭ-huât 犯律個 儂 着 受罰。 犯律個人着受罰 Those who break the law should be punished.

Pêng'im TL Characters English
do6 têng5hai2-guin7 u6 zêg8gai5 siu3zai5, u6 huam6diêh8 lug8. tŏ Thêng-hái-kūinn ŭ tsêk-kâi siù-tsâi, ŭ huăm-tiêh-lût 在澄海縣有壹個秀才。有犯着律 There was a graduate in the district of Theng-hai, who had broken the law.
i1 ziu6 ke3 bung1 guan1hu2 sim2. i tsiŭ khùr-pun kuann-hú sím 伊就去被官府審 And he went to be tried by the mandarin.
lao6dia1 di3dêng2 ziu6 cug4-lai5 zo6dng5. lău-tia tì-téng tsiŭ tshut--lâi tsŏ-tn̂g 老爺戴頂就出來在堂 The mandarin put on his button, and came out and sat on the bench.
siu3zai5 ziu6 gui6-loh8ke3. sìu-tsâi tsiŭ kŭi--lôh-khùr 秀才就跪落去 The graduate knelt down.
lao6dia1 sim2 gao3 hoh4gu2-lo7, nang5 ruah8zai6. lău-tia sím kàu hoh-kú--lō, nâng zuáh-tsăi 老爺審到甚久了。人𤍠在 The mandarin after a long trial found it rather warm.
laib8dêng2 ziu6 tug4diou3 bang3 do6 cng5dêng2. liâp-téng tsiŭ thut-tiòu pàng tŏ tshn̂g-téng 粒頂就脫丢放在床頂 And he took off his hat to which the button was attached and put it on the table.
siu3zai5 do6gui6 sui5si5 ziu5 ki3lai5. siù-tsâi tŏ-kŭi sûi-sî tsiû khí--lâi 秀才在跪隨時就起來 The graduate who was kneeling down at once got up.
lao6dia1 mng6 i1 dan3, “le2 zo3nin5 ki2-lai5 nê7?” lău-tia mn̆g i tànn, "lúr tsò-nînn khí--lâi nē?" 老爺問伊呾。爾爲何起來也 The mandarin asked him and said, "Why do you get up"?
siu2zai5 ziu6 dan3dan3, “ua2 si6 gui6 huang5di3, m7si6 gui6 le2.” siù-tsâi tsiŭ tànn-tànn, "uá sĭ kŭi Huâng-tì, m̄-sĭ kŭi-lùr" 秀才就呾。曰。我是跪皇帝。非是跪爾 The graduate said, "I kneel down to the Emperor, not to you."
siu2zai5 ziu6 cug4-ke3. siû-tsâi tsiŭ tshut--khúr 秀才就出去 And the graduate walked out.
man3ki2 i1 gai5 uang3 zai3sim2. mànn-khí i kâi uànn tsài-sím 明天伊個案再審 The next day his case was tried again.