Chrono Trigger/Bosses

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Crono and Frog's X-Strike work well in this battle, as well as Lucca's Flame Toss. Keep yourself healed with Mid Tonics and attack non-stop, and this fight should be over with rather quickly.

Dragon Tank

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Aim for the head first. Since Crono's Cyclone and Slash hit multiple targets, stick to single attacks for now, and have Lucca use Flame Toss on the head. After you've destroyed the head, start on the grinder (wheel). Have the party members use only regular attacks on this, because Flame Toss will hit both the grinder and the body in the line. Finally, you can set to work on the tank itself. Use any attacks you like on this. Personally, I recommend alternating between Crono's Slash, Lucca's Flame Toss, and then following it up with their Dual Tech Fire Whirl. The Tank should be destroyed with a few big attacks like these, now sit back and watch the cutscene.


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The bits are the only thing capable of attacking, and they'll do some serious counterattacks if you attack the Guardian. Just concentrate on one bit at a time and keep yourself healed with Aura Whirl. When the Guardian begins to count down make sure you're healed up and use your strongest attacks to destroy it quickly.

RX series

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This can sometimes be a difficult fight because almost all of the robots attack in a row, mostly on the same party member. Just concentrate on one of them at a time, and you should do fine. I recommend using Crono's Cyclone on three of them at a time; two doses of that should do it. If you have Lucca, use Flame Toss and have her use Mid Tonics if necessary. If you're using Marle, have her use Aura to heal while Crono performs the attacks. It shouldn't take too long to defeat them all, as long as you concentrate on one of them (or 3 if you follow my Cyclone advice) at a time.


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Like all the monsters in Heckran Cave, it can only be damaged well by magic attacks. Use all of your strongest magic attacks on it, heal when necessary, and you should do fine. However, when it says "Go ahead! Try and attack!" DO NOT FOLLOW HIS ADVICE. Otherwise he'll do a nasty counterattack of Water Wave, which at this point in the game, hurts.


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This can be a confusing battle when it comes to what Zombor is immune to and what he is not. But never fear, for I am here to help! Okay, so Zombor's upper half is immune to Ice, but you can do pretty much anything else. His bottom half is immune to Fire, so do anything that isn't Fire. Fairly basic. Zombor isn't too hard to defeat, so just attack like mad and have fun with it!

Masa & Mune

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You'll begin by fighting Masa and Mune by themselves. Concentrate your strongest attacks on one of them, and ONLY one of them. Be sure to have someone in your party who can cure well, because Masa and Mune counterattack EVERYTHING with X-Strike. Alternatively, you can use Lucca and Crono's Dual Tech Hypno Cyclone to put both Masa and Mune to sleep, and then concentrate all your attacks on one or the other. This way, they cannot counter with X-Strike.

If you don't have anyone with cure magic, use Mid Tonics instead. They'll do just as well. Beat one of them, and that battle's over. But don't get up just yet! Masa and Mune will fuse together to create Masa&Mune!! This battle is a bit more challenging, but I'm sure you can do it. Again, use all your strongest attacks and don't hesitate. As soon as a character screen pops up, choose the attack and go with it! Have one character heal the party occasionally (or when desperately needed). When Masa&Mune begins to store Tornado Energy, have Crono dissipate it with Slash. You should get through this battle fairly well, as long as you keep these points in mind.


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Not too hard of a battle. Start out with a good dose of Lightning to shock Nizbel, therefore lowering his defense. Then whack away at it. If Ayla has Cat Attack, use it. It's priceless. Eventually Nizbel will release his Electrocution Energy. That'll do about 100-200 damage to your party, so heal up and start over with Lightning, following up with high-powered attacks. Nizbel will be cut down to size soon enough, and you can continue your journey.


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Slash is a bit difficult, but then again, a challenge is always fun. Personally I stick to physical attacks on this, but do as you please. If Crono has Spincut, use it. It's very good. Have Frog use Heal semi-often, as Slash got it! A Slash attack. And unlike your party members, Slash can move around the room, therefore positioning you in a line for the Slash. It hits everybody. Also, his "Yes Indeed!" attack is pretty bad, and he's lethal about it. After you beat him once, guess what? You have to do it AGAIN! Just your luck, eh? Well, just use the best attacks you have, heal often, and you should be fine.

The first version of Flea is actually a Joker. One hit kills him, although he uses MP Buster as his parting shot. However, if you allow it to attack you first, and you're equipped with a Rage Band, you'll counterattack it instead and it won't be able to use MP Buster. Now comes the real Flea. Not too difficult. Crono and Frog's X-Strike work very well here. Heal often, user powerful attacks and do it quickly, and you shouldn't have too much trouble.


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This fight is laughably easy. Ozzie encases himself in a shield of Ice. All you have to do is attack the switches next to him, instead of attacking Ozzie himself. Now sit back and watch the fun!


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The toughest fight you'll have at this point of the game. Magus will routinely switch between Fire, Water, Lightning, and Shadow Barriers. Whenever a certain barrier is active he will only attack with that type of spell and will absorb all magic not of that type. The Masamune will also lower his defense. Try to bring a balanced party for attack magic, and when it says "Magus risks casting a spell" he's about to try casting Dark Matter on you, so heal up and hit him with whatever magic you want.

Nizbel II

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Similar to the first Nizbel fight, only attacking him raises his defense, and shocking him lowers it. Have Chrono use Lightning magic pretty consistently, have someone heal, and have Ayla use physical attacks.

Azala/Black Tyrano

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Focus all your attacks on Azala first. Use your strongest physical attacks, as magic doesn't seem to have too much of an effect on him. Keep going and going at it and eventually you'll defeat him. Now try to attack the Black Tyrano. Not much, hmm? Wait a little while and she will shut off her defense to begin storing energy. Heal your party, and hit it with your most powerful attacks (physical or magic) as it's counting down. Once she hits zero, Black Tyrano will throw out a massive fireball attack on your party. Heal up the damage and begin the same way, hitting her with all you've got. At long last you'll have defeated her, now sit back and watch the cool cutscene with Lavos!


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You can actually lose this fight and the scene will turn out the same. I recommend not even trying at this point of the game. But if you really want to try it out, see techniques for Golem Twins.

Sir Krawlie

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You can technically take it out much earlier, and I'm not sure it's worth mentioning as a boss. Just a few large physical attacks and he'll be 'krawling' away.

Mud Imp and Red/Blue Beasts

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As their appearance suggests, the Blue Beast absorbs all Water/Ice magic, and is weak against Fire. Likewise, the Red Beast absorbs all Fire magic, and is weak against Water/Ice. Simple enough. Unless you're very leveled up in magic and have good Dual Techs, this will be an annoyingly long battle. Concentrate on one Beast at a time. Dual Techs like Swordstream, Glacier (I seriously doubt you have it yet), and Bubble Hit (you might have this) work well on the Red Beast. Red Pin, Fire Sword, and Napalm work well on the Blue Beast. Don't attack the Mud Imp until you've destroyed the Beasts, because he has a disgustingly high defense against anything. Use powerful physical attacks like X-Strike, and you should do well.

Giga Gaia

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This battle is fairly easy if you go about it the right way. He has some nasty attacks with both hands, so focus all your attacks on the arms first. Crono's Spincut is a good attack, as well as Glenn's Leap Slash. Ayla is a goddess with her physical attacks and Cat Attack, but the rest of the party members don't have many effective attacks. Take out both arms and then concentrate your most powerful attacks on the head. I recommend physical attacks more than magic, but if you've got powerful magic then go right ahead. If you choose heavy attacks and choose them quickly, this battle should be a breeze for you.


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Dalton enjoys being annoying. You can tell this because he copies all your techniques and magic. And his Iron Orb will drop your HP by one half, so have a character ready to heal at every turn. Just hit him with your best attacks, do it quickly, and be ready to heal...a lot... and you should do fine.

Golem Twins

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This can be a very gruesome fight, because of their attacks and how fast they can dish them out. Watch out for their Iron Orb, which cuts your HP by one half. They also have a Copycat ability, which copies every technique you use on them. If you cast Lightning on them, they give you a big dose of Lightning 2. This can be a very challenging battle because there's two of them, and they usually attack the same character two or more times in a row. Focus all your most powerful attacks on one of them, and have one character heal the party at every turn. Once you've beaten one of them, it should take a little bit of stress off of destroying the other one. There is a special tactic that can save you though. The fact is that their copied Fire and Water skills suck, so you'll always want to make them copy those. Meaning this: Dish out all the damage you can, then use a Fire or Water tech just before you think they'll attack.


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In my opinion, this can be a very annoying battle, because of how quickly he counterattacks. You MUST have Frog and Marle in your party. I cannot stress this enough. Ayla is a good 3rd choice. Make sure you have Water 2 or Ice 2, and Double Cure isn't a bad idea, either. All set? Good. DO NOT ATTACK THE CORE!! Once the core is destroyed, Retinite will start coughing up some nasty counter attacks like Sand Cyclone and a variation of Prism/Darkness, and its defense power is increased when you attack it. Instead, start the battle with a dose of Water 2 (Ice 2 works just as well). This will lower his defense power. Then start attacking the upper half. Use all your strongest attacks to destroy it as soon as possible. Cast Water 2 or Ice 2 occasionally to weaken the defense. Okay. You've gotten that done. If you did it fast, the core should still be there. DO NOT ATTACK IT. Go for the bottom half. Pretty much its only attack is Sand Cyclone, but watch out when it starts stomping on you! That'll take a good 300+ HP off. Heal when necessary, and keep hitting it with everything you have. Got it? Okay. Now it's just you and the core. This only takes about one hit, and it runs away. Congrats! You've done it.

And as an extra gift, grab that shiny Power Tab on your way out.

Lavos Underground Ocean Palace

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Outer Shell

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Lavos' Outer Shell goes through many different "attack modes", featuring the attacks from previous bosses you have fought. Just remember the strategies you used for those bosses and use them to defeat Lavos each time. An easy way to get past the Shell is to use the Flying Epoch to crash through it (set the time gauge to 1999 AD). You won't even have to do that battle.

Inner Shell

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Lavos and Bits

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This battle is vey complex, so you have to understand your enemy before attempting to kill it. It works like this: There are three bits, the middle being Lavos himself. This should make you believe he's the main target, but he isn't. In fact, it's the RIGHT bit. Once you take it out, you have won. The slight problem here is that its physical and magic defense is maxed. Also, the LEFT bit constantly heals, while absorbing magic attacks. It doesn't survive long vs physical attacks though. When one bit goes down, the right bit will shortly lower its defense to charge up "Active Life". This move completely revives all destroyed bits. After that, it's defense will soon rise to the max again, so you have to repeat the process. Sounds fairly simple? Well, it would be if it wasn't for the MIDDLE bit. This main body likes to warp in time a lot, and each time it does it acquires a devastating new attack. These include the most powerful magic and physical attacks in the game, which can kill your entire full-HP party in one hit if you're unlucky. In spite of that, this can be an easy battle if you know what to do. Start with the bit on the left. Crono's Confuse, followed by Frog's Leap Slash will take it out. Don't even worry about the dude in the middle, unless you know it's about to unleash an "Ultimate" attack. The bit on the right is what you need to destroy. Use all of your most powerful attack once it lowers its defense. One thing to notice is that Frog Squash and Dino Tail will hit all bits a lot, and those attacks gain power when the user's HP is low. Just after Reviving the user, meaning he/she has 50 HP, you can deal out about 2000 damage! Lavos can cough up some brutal attacks (both magic and physical), so make sure you have someone who can heal well, or have plenty of MegaElixirs handy in your inventory. Eventually the destroyed bits will be restored. The left bit can heal the others, so destroy it and go back to the "Active Life" bit. Once you've destroyed the bit, you've beaten the game. Now sit back and enjoy the ending!!