Cherokee/Learning Tips

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Below are some tips to keep in mind when learning Cherokee.

General Tips

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  • Spaced repetition is the key to memorization. Look into it.
  • Not all verbs and inflections occur with equal frequency. Follow the progression of the course to learn the most common verbs and even memorize specific inflections if they occur frequently. This will more rapidly build up your knowledge to the point where you have enough words to experiment with new sentence structures and to have fun expressing your thoughts and feelings.

Cherokee-Specific Tips

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  • Imperative and immediate past forms seem to be more psychologically fundamental than many indicative forms, even including the present continuous depending on whom you ask. As such, it is advisable to drill the immediate (IV) stem of each verb to the point of solid internalization. In other words, this stem is arguably the most important of the five, so make sure you know it comfortably!
  • Some tone processes are more important than others. The rank from most to least important is as such: Pronominal Tonic Lowering > Laryngeal Alternation > H1 > H3 > H2.