Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Arts and Crafts/Drawing & Painting

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Drawing & Painting
Arts and Crafts
General Conference
Skill Level 2
Year of Introduction: 1929

1. Make a freehand sketch of an animal, showing in values the distribution of color.

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In order to complete this requirement, you must have a good understanding of the term "value" as used in drawing and painting. Value is what you see when you convert a colour photo (or scene) to a black and white image, or as some would say, remove the colours. It is the dark shades and light shades that indicate that there were many colours in the scene that the artist is creating. Usually this is used in reference to art mediums that do not include colour such as pencil drawings, charcoal sketches, or pen and ink work.

Here is shown a chart where pencils have been used to match the shades of grey from black to white. A computer was used to generate the grey shades on the left, and various drawing pencils created the "values", numbered 0 to 9 on the right. It is a good exercise to make a number of these charts to get a feel for which pencils to use, and how much graphite to apply to achieve the value you want to apply to the paper.

Grey scale assigned Value numbers

In this drawing of the cube puzzles, you can see how the top cube is of uniform colour (white). Since the light is coming mostly from the front of the cube, the front is left with a very high value, but the darkest shadows are drawn with a low value (dark pencil).

When the cube is drawn with various coloured sides, you can see that even though the top side (blue) has more light than the red side, it is drawn with a lower value than the shaded red side, because converting the blue colour requires a low value.

The mixed up version really shows how the colours are converted to “values” in the drawing.

Cube Puzzles - showing value mapping

To further illustrate, a computer was used to convert this colour photo of a turkey to a grey scale photo. You can see the value numbers as illustrated in the various areas of the photo. When the turkey is drawn with pencils, the values are matched to the values in the grey scale photo.

Colour photo Gray scale with value numbers

This is what is meant by “Showing in values, the distribution of colour”.

Pencil sketch

2. Draw a cylindrical object and a rectangular object grouped together a little below the eye, showing proper perspective, light, and shade.

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To do this you have to make something like a can of tomatoes or a soda bottle. Also do a rectangular type of thing.

3. Make a drawing of some landscape near your home.

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4. Make an original decorative design in color, using any motif, and state for what use it is intended.

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5. Paint in color a flower or leaf spray.

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6. Paint an outdoor scene in either water color or oil.

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