ATRIAS 2.1 Handbook/General Information/How to use this WikiBooks

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How to use this WikiBook

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Intent of this WikiBook

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  • Store all relevant info for how to build, use, maintain and generally anything useful for the ATRIAS 2.1 robot
  • Ease of adding the above info by any and all collaborators of the ATRIAS 2.1 robot system
  • The page will evolve as people add content and learn how to better use and maintain their ATRIAS 2.1 robot platforms
  • When you learn something useful about the robot (for example a good spring constant that would be useful for a particular walking gait in a certain environment) you add it to the correct page. Thus the information is not lost when you graduate or move on to other tasks.

Licensing your uploaded pictures

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It is very important that you apply the correct licensing to your pictures hosted on wikimedia commons, they will delete your pictures if you mess this up. I've (jesse grimes) used the following and seems appropriate. Copy and past this into your licensing attribute.

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It is a current issue that the pages that house useful links to products, manufactures and suppliers for the robot get tagged as spam by the WikiBooks overlords. We'll find a solution to this. It might just be that we have to prove ourselves as worthy contributors and that these link filled pages are not spam.